Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Good Wife

"The Good Wife" airs on CBS each Sunday night.  Amanda Peet was doing her third episode.  She's working for Peter's office now, remember.  She was Jag and Alicia represented her in the first episode where she'd been assaulted.  Now she's a civilian and Alicia got her a job.  Doesn't mean she's feeling loyal.

I really thought she was going to end up with Peter or Will.  That that would be the way she 'repaid' Alicia's kindness.  But after this episode, I'm guessing she's going to be the formidable opponent.

Judd Hirsh was a drunken judge who can't keep his opinions to himself.  He loathes Will who's fighting a case in his court (Peet is the prosecutor).  He says as much in a bar. 

So they move to have him removed.  The best scene in the episode was when he told Alicia that couldn't happen and she informed him of what she was doing.

So that goes to a mini-trial with the attorney who I think loved the young ladies.

He rules in the firm's favor but balls out Lockhart - Gardner (the firm).  Diane doesn't care and is convinced they'll win the case with a new judge.  Nope.  Peet explains that one thing the judge said that they misunderstood was about a sex chat forum.  And they would find that the woman had asked someone else to kill her husband before she got to the man who did.  (That was the big case.)


I thought her awful husband was leaving the show?

He's still around and she's forever squeezing work in around him.  She looks stupid because she's never doing her job or just starting to do her job or whatever.

So he is in a meeting with Cary, the husband, and he gay-baits Cary.  Cary's not gay.  Cary doesn't take the bait.  When the husband repeats it, Cary tells him they need to meet tomorrow when Alicia can be present.

While he was gay baiting him, it started with him mocking his suit.  Which was Calvin Klein.

Well at the end of the episode, in the rain, Cary's going to his car and this thug comes up and asks about his suit and starts beating him up.  While the husband watches.

Now here's my problem.

The husband should have raped or assaulted Cary.

It would give the actor something to do and, since it's Kalinda's husband, it would have long-range implications as in, "If you hadn't brought him here, he wouldn't have done that to me."

Why else should Cary have been raped?

"The Good Wife" has crossed the line.  The way Kalinda was supposed to be enjoying and getting turned on by her husband beating her (this was the story they dropped and why the husband's leaving -- the fans hated it -- for good reason).  So if they're going to do that to a woman, they need to do something to a man that's a little different than what we've already seen 8 million times in the last ten years, forget how many in the sixty.

Maddie wasn't on.  Eli's got Alicia and Peter's son asking to work on Peter's campaign.  Grace is hanging out with a smoker and both she and the son (I forget his name) are being followed by the other campaign.

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