Thursday, February 21, 2019

TV? It sucks

Since the fall, I think TV has been the worst its been in twenty years.

I'd note THE CONNERS as flat out worthless.  Without Roseanne Barr, there's no show.  That was painfully clear, week after week, episode after episode.

BLACKISH was once a funny show.  Somewhere along the way, it lost its way.  Ruby Johnson remains the best reason to continue watching.  Tracee Ellis Ross should sue the writers over their inability to write stories for her.  She is a gifted, comedic actress and she repeatedly delivers in each episode but the writers don't really care.  This season, the show's fifth, should be its last.

THE ROOKIE?  How does crap like that get on the air? At 48 (next month), Nathan Fillion should move over to CBS where he could be a youngster.

THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT . . . but completely boring.

THE GIFTED flat out sucks.  They should have fired Percy and moved forward.

Sunday nights is a wasteland with the exceptions of CHARMED on THE CW and THE SIMPSONS and BOB'S BURGERS on FOX.

MADAM SECRETARY is not THE GOOD WIFE.  It does not have the audience of that show.  Why this crap remains on the schedule is a good guess.

Everything should be cancelled on ABC, CBS and NBC.  They should just start over.


As the ratings demonstrate, THE GOOD DOCTOR was a one-season show that was wrongly renewed.  THE RESIDENT can't decide if it's a soap opera or not and ends up being nothing.  HAPPY TOGETHER has to be the worst sitcom of this decade.  THE PASSAGE looked so promising before it aired.  MANIFEST started out semi-interesting but lost that by the third episode.

THE NEIGHBORHOOD is about the only show that works.

Back to Tuesday? AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE and THE FLASH are consistently good.  LETHAL WEAPON is the only series that has improved over the season.  I would renew those three and cancel everything else.


ALL AMERICAN CHIP ON HIS SHOULDER was garbage from the start.  As an African-American male, I give THE CW credit for casting.  That's it.  This show reflects my grandfather's life, not mine.  And I'm too old to be a lead on THE CW.  An appealing cast was wasted with storylines that wouldn't have cut it on an ABC AFTER SCHOOL SPECIAL.  Cancel it already.

SINGLE PARENTS exists only to show that there is worse than SPLITTING UP TOGETHER.  MODERN FAMILY continues to bore the audience -- this was once a funny show, long, long ago.  It, like CRIMINAL MINDS, lasted far too long.  Three Chicago based shows on NBC were three too many.

STAR actually improved in season two.  It and THE GOLDBERGS and EMPIRE were the only shows worth watching week after week.

Thursdays?  GREY'S ANATOMY should have been cancelled about eight years ago.  No, it's not worth watching.  Nor is STATION 19.  Moving A MILLION LITTLE THINGS to Thursdays did not make the show better.

NBC has wasted WILL & GRACE.

They had it for a second season and again were unable to program around it.

No one wants to watch SUPERSTORE.  They've made that clear repeatedly.  People's opinion against it only hardened when America lied about the Nevada caucus.  What a trashy performer she is.  No one will watch that show because of her.  Its low ratings never rise.  Cancel it.  This is how they destroyed MUST SEE TV to begin with -- keeping on shows that the country didn't want to watch.  THE GOOD PLACE is also not funny and needs to go.  I FEEL BAD should never have aired to begin with.

I think BROOKLYN 99 was funnier on FOX but at least it's actually funny.  I will watch that block -- WILL AND GRACE and BROOKLYN.  That's the only block I've watched the last two season on NBC Thursday.

Over on CBS, SHELDON sucks.  FAM should be funny but rarely is.  MOM probably should have ended this season.

The only things worth watching on Thursdays?  WILL & GRACE, HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER, THE BIG BANG THEORY (ending this season) and BROOKLYN 99.

Friday is actually a stronger night than it has been in the past.  BLACKLIST and BLINDSPOT are both powerful dramas.  DYNASTY is a lively show.  THE COOL KIDS and LAST MAN STANDING are laugh out loud funny.

Saturdays remain a joke.

But before you think that's all we've suffered, don't forget streaming.

Help me out here, what did we get worth watching.

AMAZON did how many shows and the only worth watching was Julia Roberts' HOMECOMING.  It will be back with a second season, but she won't.  So why bother watching?

NETFLIX?  The only new show worth watching was RUSSIAN DOLL.  They had at least one new show every week, one debuted every week.  And they sucked.  All but RUSSIAN DOLL.  What a waste.  Plus the only returning show that they had which got stronger each season was GRACE AND FRANKIE.

HULU has FUTURE MAN but THE RUNAWAYS sucks as does all their other garbage which makes it even more shocking that they cancelled the funny DIFFICULT PEOPLE.

All these entertainment choices and so little worth watching.

Going out with C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

Wednesday, February 20, 2019.  Crazy Phil Mudd gets shrill and emotional again, a puppet says US troops are in Iraq at Iraq's invitation, and much more.
Donald Trump is the president of the United States and one of the most amusing things about that is watching various CIA trash have fits over that.  He was elected by the American people but that didn't stop the CIA and the FBI from attempting a coup, now did it?  

Phil Mudd, the former deputy director of the CIA's Counterterrorism Center, warned that President Donald Trump’s disregard for the counsel of his intelligence agencies could lead the United States into another situation similar to the invasion of Iraq.
Mudd appeared on CNN Tuesday morning to discuss the suggestion from longtime Trump confidant Chris Ruddy that the president could sack National Intelligence Director Dan Coats after he publicly disagreed with Trump’s assessment of North Korea. The former CIA agent warned that such an action from the president could send the country down a dangerous path.
“Let me be clear. We lived this already, and the American people said they hated it,” he said, referring to the Iraq War. “There were questions during my tenure at the CIA about whether the CIA was too supportive of the president [George W. Bush] going into the Iraq War,” he pointed out. “There ain’t no learning in the second kick of the mule here.
Well tarnations, "the second kick of the mule," you say.  Thanks for leaving Dogpatch long enough to appear on CNN, Phil.  Did Mammy Yokum join you in the CNN studios?
Second kick of the mule, said the dog that don't hunt.  Excuse me, said the yellow-bellied dog that don't hunt.  That old crusty vermin.
Phil Mudd is not to be believed.  He's been shrill and hysterical and, frankly, a little bit unhinged since Donald became president..  He needs to sit his tired ass down and take a personal inventory of his crazy.  He is not an 'analyst' and no one should present him as such.  Analysts are objective.  
Phil Mudd is hysterical, shrill and way too emotional.  Nothing objective about him at all.
According to former CIA counterterrorism official Phil Mudd, the intelligence community "are ticked" about President Trump's decision to release the FISA abuse memo prepared by House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes. In an interview Friday on CNN, Mudd said to the president, "You’ve been around for 13 months. We've been around since 1908. I know how this game is going to be played. We're going to win."

Mudd explained: "The president is talking about basically corruption at the FBI today, but we oppose the leadership."
"We're going to win," boasts 'objective' Phil Mudd.  In what?  A battle to lie to the American people?  Donald called out corruption and Phil threw a public tantrum.
No one elected Mudd to anything.  No one has provided oversight and analysis of what Mudd actually did at the CIA (or at the FBI when, after decades at the CIA he quit in an emotional snit fit and went over to the FBI -- no, that's not normal).
He really doesn't deserve a public stage.  A padded cell and rubber jacket?  Yes, he deserves that.
If we're going to listen to someone, we'd be better served to listen to the likes of Pink Floyd's Roger Waters.
“Do we really want Venezuela to turn into another Iraq? Or Syria or Libya?” Thank you Roger Waters.

0:13 / 2:16


If Mudd had half a brain, he'd be worried about the persecution of alleged ISIS fighters and what that could mean.  Already the little covered topic has won an award.
Polk Award for Magazine Reporting; Ben Taub of The New Yorker for “Iraq’s Post-ISIS Campaign of Revenge,” a firsthand account of widespread detention and dubious execution.

Eric Keels, University of Tennessee and Angela D. Nichols, Florida Atlantic University
(THE CONVERSATION) Large portions of the Islamic State in Iraq have been either killed, captured or forced underground over the past three years.
Eleven years after the U.S. invasion toppled dictator Saddam Hussein, triggering a war between Islamic State militants and the U.S.-backed Iraqi government, Iraq has finally achieved some measure of stability.
But the Iraqi government isn’t taking any chances that this terrorist organization, commonly known as “IS,” could regroup.
Over 19,000 Iraqis suspected of collaborating with IS have been detained in Iraq since the beginning of 2013, according to Human Rights Watch. Most of them are Sunni Muslims, according to reporting by Ben Taub of the New Yorker. Sunnis are members of the sect of Islam from which IS predominantly recruits.
Suspected terrorists are often tortured into offering confessions that justify death sentences at trial. According to Amnesty International, common forms of torture include “beatings on the head and body with metal rods and cables, suspension in stress positions by the arms or legs, electric shocks, and threats of rape of female relatives.”
The government’s crackdown on Sunnis – even those with no evidence of ties with Islamic militants – sends a troubling signal about Iraq’s prospects for peace.
Our research into conflict zones shows that when post-war governments use violence against citizens, it greatly increases the risk of renewed civil war.
Repression following civil wars
The period after an armed conflict is fragile.
Citizens traumatized by violence wish fervently for peace. Defeated armed factions may have their sights set on revenge.
The post-war government’s priority, meanwhile, is to consolidate its control over the country. Sometimes, leaders use violent repression to ensure their grip on power.
It is a risky strategy.
We studied 63 countries where civil war occurred between 1976 and 2005, including El Salvador, Sierra Leone and Sudan. The results, which were published in the academic journal Conflict, Security and Development in January, show a 95 percent increase of another civil war in places where governments engaged in the kind of torture, political imprisonment, killings and disappearances that Iraq’s government is now undertaking.
Phil Mudd, an alleged 'analyst,' can't even address a serious issue like that.  He really needs to sit his tired ass down.

Chargé d’Affaires of the US Embassy in Iraq, Joey Hood said Tuesday that US troops, as well as the international coalition forces and NATO, will leave Iraq if requested by the Iraqi government, asserting that the US forces had been redeployed in Iraq at the local government’s invitation.
“There are no US bases in Iraq, only trainers and advisers,” Hood told reporters, explaining that the average number of troops there is 5,200 members a week and that the number varies.
If that statement shocks you, you haven't been paying attention.  The statement about leaving if asked, we may come back to the other part.  But that statement?
No the puppets are not going to ask the US to leave.  They need US forces for protection.  We've noted that over and over.  
So it's no shock, right on time, that the latest puppet makes pro-US troops statements.  RUDAW reports:

US-led coalition troops are stationed in Iraq at the government’s invitation and have stood by Iraq through difficult times, Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi said Tuesday. His comments come amid calls for an immediate US withdrawal.

“Continuously mentioning this topic [foreign troop presence in Iraq] causes worry to the people and confusion to the work of the Iraqi Armed Forces,” Abdul-Mahdi told reporters during his weekly press conference Tuesday evening.

“It also causes confusion on the side of those who stood by Iraq in its period of hardship and fighting Daesh, and helped in getting rid of Daesh,” he added, using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State jihadist group. 
Again, it's not shocking.  The puppet that bites the hand that feeds them is the puppet that eventually gets shown to the door.  Ask Nouri al-Maliki how that feels, to have been the highest puppet in the land only to be pulled out of office in 2014 and replaced.  
The puppets know who put them in power and they know they won't stay in power by challenging the US government.
Another topic we've been noting lately is that Iraq, like all countries, will have friction from time to time with neighbors it shares a border with.  With that in mind, Mustafa Saadoun (AL-MONITOR) reports:

Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi and his Jordanian counterpart, Omar al-Razza, signed 14 economic agreements Feb. 2 between the two countries, during their meetings on the Iraqi-Jordan border, where a joint industrial city will be established.
The agreements include the transport, trade, health, agriculture, finance and energy sectors.
The recent economic agreements between the Iraqi and Jordanian governments have raised controversy in Iraq, as some Iraqi political and economic institutions believe these understandings favor Jordan and harm Iraq. The Asaib Ahl al-Haq (League of the Righteous), headed by Qais Khazali, said “the Iraqi citizens will pay the tax of these agreements.”
As with most other issues in Iraq, these agreements divided Iraqi political camps into two. One was welcoming, and the other denounced the agreements as having no economic feasibility for Iraq — especially those related to extending a pipeline from Iraq’s oil-rich government of Basra to Aqaba.

Pair that with this report from Iran's TREND NEWS that an Iraqi airport is refusing to accept flights from Tehran due to an issue of previous unpaid debts.
It will have serious problems with Turkey because Turkey will not remove foreign soldiers from Iraqi soil and will not stop bombing northern Iraq.  The Baghdad-based government has objected to both.  How does the government of Turkey get away with it?  Because of a 'special' relationship with the KRG's government.  They're the ones allowing this.  And, as they continue to allow this violation of Iraqi sovereignty, it sort of backs up the long standing rumor that, all along, the KRG has been providing Turkey with oil on the black market.
In the United States, Senator Bernie Sanders formally declared yesterday that he is seeking the Democratic Party's 2020 presidential nomination.

I’m running for president because the time is long overdue for the United States to join every other major country on Earth and guarantee health care to all people as a right, not a privilege, through a Medicare-for-all program.

We need a president who understands that climate change is real, is an existential threat to our country and the entire planet, and that we can generate massive job creation by transforming our energy system away from fossil fuels to energy efficiency and sustainable energy.

I’m running for president so that, together, we can create a nation that leads the world in the struggle for economic, racial, social and environmental justice.

Yesterday, we noted "6 Women" were running for that nomination.  Someone who identifies as "a long time reader but first time writer" wants to know why I let Willie Brown off, "Is it because he's a man, because he's your friend or both."

As noted in the piece, Kamala Harris (who I also know) slept with Willie Brown and, during this relationship, Willie appointed her to not one but two high paying jobs.  I've stated she needs to be on the record about that.  She doesn't get to hide it.  It was unethical.

Well, huffs the e-mailers, what about Willie Brown?

If Kamala were the head of NETFLIX, I wouldn't raise the issue.

She's not.

She's running to become the president of the United States.

My friend Willie Brown is not running for that office or any other public office.

If that's still confusing to you, I can't help you, no one can.

US House Rep Tulsi Gabbard is running.  She's an Iraq War veteran.

Our voice is needed in the debates! The DNC req's candidates have 65,000 unique donors to qualify for the debate stage. With your help, we can get there. Just $1 today will help bring us to a debate on the issues of life and death that face our nation.

As presidential candidates from the already crowded Democratic field criss-cross early primary states seeking votes and donors, foreign policy feels like an afterthought for most as they pitch their visions of how they would transform America.
But Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is different. Foreign policy is the central theme to the 37-year-old Iraq war veteran’s campaign.
At events across New Hampshire this weekend, Gabbard told voters that the US had to end its involvement in costly “regime change wars” and avert a “new cold war.”
In her stump speech, Gabbard warned voters of powerful forces that are “invested in our country continuing to stay in a state of perpetual war” while warning an audience at a burrito restaurant in the small city of Laconia about the threat of a nuclear strike.
“Sometimes people ask me: ‘Tulsi, why do you talk about these issues of foreign policy, these are things happening in other places – why don’t you talk more about domestic issues?’” she said at a town hall event in North Hampton on Sunday. “What is more domestic than our very existence? We must address these issues.”
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