Most recently, she'd played Betty White's friend (and partner in crime on selling Canadian medicine) Mamie Sue Johnson on HOT IN CLEVELAND. That was not her first role or her most famous one.
She shot to fame on THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW. Her first episode was episode 62 "Rhoda Morgenstern: Minneapolis to New York." The script was written by Treva Silverman and Georgia showed up as Georgette Franklin who was at the good-bye party Mary threw for Rhoda. She wants Ted to read the cards to Rhoda ("I just love his voice!"). Later, Georgette will marry Ted Baxter. They'll have a child together. "Excuse me," she'll say at one point at Mary's apartment for a dinner party and to watch Mary and Sue Ann's TV news special, "I hate to interrupt and I don't meant to spoil your fun. And it's certainly no comment on the dinner because it's delicious and you'll have to give me your recipe sometime, but right now I think I'm going to have a baby."
Mary will have to help her give birth. Sue Ann (Betty White) will say it's the most excitement Mary's bedroom ever saw. Ted and Georgette will name their daughter Mary Lou.
VARIETY notes:
Georgia Engel, who played the soft-spoken Georgette Baxter on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show,” died Friday in Princeton, N.J. She was 70.
John Quilty, Engel’s friend and executor, told the The New York Times that the cause of death is unknown, as Engel was a Christian Scientist.
She played Pat for thirteen episodes of EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND. Pat was Amy's mother (Amy marries Robert.)
Georgia's passed away. Mary Tyler Moore's passed away. Ted Knight's passed away. Of the show's main cast, Cloris Leachman, Betty White, Ed Asner, Gavin MacLeod, Valerie Harper and John Amos are the only ones still alive.
Going out with C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Monday, April 15, 2019. What is the point of the militias in Iraq? That question is being asked.
Justin Thomas (THE NATIONAL) ponders one aspect of the Iraq War:
Around 4,000 years ago, a craftsperson fashioned a black stone to look like a resting duck. The object is beautiful, the duck’s neck curves back towards its tail feathers, and the detail in the eyes and beak speak to real artistry. Beyond aesthetics, this object was also used as some kind of weight, giving it a function in the story of humanity as well. This elegant stone bird went missing 16 years ago this month, along with around 15,000 other artefacts of similar beauty, cultural significance and historical importance.
The looting of the National Museum of Iraq on April 10, 2003, has been described as “cultural genocide” and “one of the worst acts of cultural vandalism in modern times”. If we also add to this the looting of Iraq’s archaeological sites and then add Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan to the equation too, we get a creeping sense of the magnitude of this problem. We might even get the sneaking suspicion that we are losing our memories. For what are antiquities if not tangible representations of who we were and, indeed, who we are?
In the 1950s at McGill University, Dr Ewen Cameron, an eminent psychiatrist, developed a treatment he called “psychic driving”. Central to his procedure was an attempt to erase patients’ memories and start again with a blank slate. Through the use of intensive electric shock therapy and a powerful cocktail of psychiatric drugs, Cameron partially succeeded in wiping away patients’ past recollections. The treatment, however, didn’t work; if anything it made patients’ initial symptoms worse. Memory loss is rarely a good thing, and the loss of antiquities on the scale seen in recent decades is like psychic driving on a national level.
Naomi Klein's "Baghdad Year Zero" (HARPER'S MAGAZINE) noted the shock therapy aspects of the US plan for Iraq in many ways but it did not note the wiping out of the historical achievements and memories. It's worth considering whether or not this was also an intended consequence.
Meanwhile, Mina Aldroubi (THE NATIONAL) reports:
Iraqi populist Shiite cleric Muqtada Al Sadr condemned the Tehran-backed Shiite militias' support towards victims of flash flooding in Iran.
A convoy of 50 vehicles carrying member of the militias, also known as the Hashed Al Shaabi, arrived in western Iranian provinces that were severely affected by the flash flooding, Iranian news agency Tasnim reported on Sunday.
"Iraqis come first," Mr Al Sadr said on Twitter, adding that there are many areas in Iraq that are at risk of flooding from torrential rain.
"Since there are those who have provided relief to affected areas in Iran, it is our duty to intensify our efforts to provide relief to our people in Iraq," he said.
The Hashed Al Shaabi was formed in 2014 to assist Iraqi forces defeat ISIS but are accused of exploiting its position and human rights breaches.
Shi'ite cleric and movement leader Moqtada al-Sadr is correct on this. Iraq's been flooded as well. The international media has elected to focus solely on Iran but Iraq's been flooded as well creating displaced persons.
Justin Thomas (THE NATIONAL) ponders one aspect of the Iraq War:
Around 4,000 years ago, a craftsperson fashioned a black stone to look like a resting duck. The object is beautiful, the duck’s neck curves back towards its tail feathers, and the detail in the eyes and beak speak to real artistry. Beyond aesthetics, this object was also used as some kind of weight, giving it a function in the story of humanity as well. This elegant stone bird went missing 16 years ago this month, along with around 15,000 other artefacts of similar beauty, cultural significance and historical importance.
The looting of the National Museum of Iraq on April 10, 2003, has been described as “cultural genocide” and “one of the worst acts of cultural vandalism in modern times”. If we also add to this the looting of Iraq’s archaeological sites and then add Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan to the equation too, we get a creeping sense of the magnitude of this problem. We might even get the sneaking suspicion that we are losing our memories. For what are antiquities if not tangible representations of who we were and, indeed, who we are?
In the 1950s at McGill University, Dr Ewen Cameron, an eminent psychiatrist, developed a treatment he called “psychic driving”. Central to his procedure was an attempt to erase patients’ memories and start again with a blank slate. Through the use of intensive electric shock therapy and a powerful cocktail of psychiatric drugs, Cameron partially succeeded in wiping away patients’ past recollections. The treatment, however, didn’t work; if anything it made patients’ initial symptoms worse. Memory loss is rarely a good thing, and the loss of antiquities on the scale seen in recent decades is like psychic driving on a national level.
Naomi Klein's "Baghdad Year Zero" (HARPER'S MAGAZINE) noted the shock therapy aspects of the US plan for Iraq in many ways but it did not note the wiping out of the historical achievements and memories. It's worth considering whether or not this was also an intended consequence.
Meanwhile, Mina Aldroubi (THE NATIONAL) reports:
Iraqi populist Shiite cleric Muqtada Al Sadr condemned the Tehran-backed Shiite militias' support towards victims of flash flooding in Iran.
A convoy of 50 vehicles carrying member of the militias, also known as the Hashed Al Shaabi, arrived in western Iranian provinces that were severely affected by the flash flooding, Iranian news agency Tasnim reported on Sunday.
"Iraqis come first," Mr Al Sadr said on Twitter, adding that there are many areas in Iraq that are at risk of flooding from torrential rain.
"Since there are those who have provided relief to affected areas in Iran, it is our duty to intensify our efforts to provide relief to our people in Iraq," he said.
The Hashed Al Shaabi was formed in 2014 to assist Iraqi forces defeat ISIS but are accused of exploiting its position and human rights breaches.
Shi'ite cleric and movement leader Moqtada al-Sadr is correct on this. Iraq's been flooded as well. The international media has elected to focus solely on Iran but Iraq's been flooded as well creating displaced persons.
Disable the official permanence in the governorate of #sulaymaniyah, and a number of districts of the governorate of #erbil - northern #Iraq-؛ due to the floods.
That's from March 31st. We've been noting this for weeks now. Saturday, Pam Wright (THE WEATHER CHANNEL) reported:
After weeks of heavy rains, historic water levels at Iraq's reservoirs are threatening dams, prompting the evacuation of thousands.
The heavy rain and melting snowcaps from Turkey and Iran have nearly overtopped Iraq's four main reservoirs, while the Tigris and Euphrates rivers continue to rise.
Residents near the Dukan dam in the
northeast were told to leave their homes as water levels reached heights
not seen since 1988.
Hashed Al Shaabi? They're on the Iraqi payroll. The previous prime minister, Hayder al-Abadi, put them on it, made them officially part of the Iraqi forces. If they're being paid by the government of Iraq and the Iraqi people are in need of assistance, as Moqtada points out, the Iraqi people should be their focus.
Moqtada's not the only one calling out the Hashed al-Shaabi. MENAFN reports:
Members of Hashd al-Shaabi must break up, emphasized Iraq's former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, head of Al-Wataniya coalition, in a statement.
According to the former prime minister, "the mission of the Hashd al-Shaabi has ended after victory against the [ISIS] terrorist group."
Allawi further presented a plan for members of the paramilitary force to become members of the Iraqi police or military forces.
He added "the dissolution of Hashd al-Shaabi is a move to turn Iraq into a civilian state."
Still on the topic of the militias, Margaret Griffis (ANTIWAR.COM) reports an event that took place Sunday, "In Mosul, clashes between police and militia members took place, when the police stopped the militiamen from crossing their checkpoint. The police said that the militiamen had no duties in the area. Two policemen were wounded."
Meanwhile, publisher Julian Assange remains under attack.
This war on wikileaks initiated by democrats to defend actions of past republican government. If you arrest
This is what Julian Assange and Wikileaks are 'guilty' of, exposing the murderous exit of the US military assault on Iraq . States do not have the right to kill willy-nilly. Whistle blowers do us all a service
Nick Gillespi (REASON) offers:
Regardless of how you feel about Assange as a person, there’s no
question that WikiLeaks, founded in 2006, has been central to starting a
salutary era of forced transparency, a time when state and corporate
actors have much more trouble keeping secrets. Forced transparency is
bigger than WikiLeaks, of course. It’s one of the defining dynamics of
our time, riding the same technological wave that gave us Napster and
other innovations that disperse power and information in all sorts of
unauthorized ways. But let’s give credit and praise where it’s due. The
world is better for the fact that it’s harder than ever for governments
to keep their own secrets.
Early exposés by the organization included documents from the Church
of Scientology and East Anglia University’s Climate Research Unit. In
2010, the organization came into its own by publishing a trove of
documents given to it by Chelsea Manning, then an Army intelligence
analyst. Among the things that came to light:
- graphic video of a U.S. Apache helicopter killing Iraqi civilians and two Reuters journalists;
- 90,000-plus pages of military memos, now known as the Afghan War Diaries, that showed that the Taliban and the Pakistani government were in regular contact and that civilian casualties were far greater than the U.S. officially acknowledged;
- 400,000 pages of documents about the war in Iraq, including revelation of 15,000 unreported civilian deaths and brutal reprisals by Iraqi forces;
- diplomatic cables that showed a wide gulf between the U.S.’s public positions and private analysis.
In the US, US House Rep Tulsi Gabbard has defended Assange. She is seeking the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.
Trump’s criticism of Rep
My flight delayed from LAX for hours because Chicago is covered in snow. Winter is coming. In April. Are you ready?

What a historic comeback! Congratulations, Tiger.

Trump is shamelessly trying to foment religious bigotry against
I met a mom whose son was born with a heart defect. The fear of being unable to afford sudden, major heart surgery has shaped this family’s life in many tragic ways. I promised this mom that I’ll fight for her son and all Americans to make Medicare for All who want it a reality.
Insulin is overpriced and it’s killing Americans. Between 1997 and 2017, Big Pharma increased the price of insulin over 1,000%. People are dying because they can’t afford insulin.
The foreign policy establishment and military industrial complex wage one regime change war after another under the guise of humanitarianism—wars that INCREASE the people’s suffering and devastation in those countries, and strengthen jihadists like al-Qaeda.
Assange Arrest: The message is clear. To journalists and all Americans, if you try to take away our power, you will pay a high price.
The purpose of arresting
The arrest of
She is one of six women seeking the party's presidential nomination.
Marianne on reparations from her CNN Town Hall Tonight: "This country will not heal until we take a serious moral inventory… Racism is a character defect. Let’s fix this. Let’s solve this."
Marianne knocked it out of the park on her CNN Town Hall tonight. She got to show America the powerhouse that she is. Please help us spread her message far and wide by donating to the campaign. It takes millions of dollars and we need your help.
"On guns: I support 2nd amendment rights, however we know they were talking about a well organized militia. We don’t have gun safety legislation because it cuts in to the short term profits of gun manufacturers. That is immoral. That is obscene." Marianne live on CNN Town Hall.
“Economic good does not come from corporate moguls dropping crumbs; it comes from every single American unleashing our dreams.” Marianne live on CNN Town Hall.
Happy Patriots’ Day, Massachusetts – and good luck to everyone running in the
My bill would let millions of Americans simply sign and return a pre-filled tax form, and require the IRS to create a free online tax preparation and filing service – making
Every year, taxpayers waste too much time and money on tax preparation. And low-income and minority taxpayers are hit the hardest, according to a new report that
Filing your taxes is complicated and expensive. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Congress should pass my Tax Filing Simplification Act, which I’m re-introducing today.
I’m really proud of what our team and this community have built so far—and we're just getting started.
Why not train the next generation in the STEM jobs we need to strengthen our economy and combat climate change? Why not invent our way into the future?
As a Senator who represents 9/11 victims, I can't accept any minimizing of that pain. But Trump's dangerous rhetoric against
Happy 103rd birthday, Beverly Cleary! Thank you for creating iconic characters who were adventurous and brave, unruly and unstoppable all at once—and expanding our idea of what a girl can be.
Our oceans are warming. Glaciers are melting. Sea levels are rising. Climate change is real and we must act now. That’s why I support the Green New Deal.
We will strengthen the middle class and ensure Medicare for All is a reality. We will fight for all Americans and make our democracy work for the people. Chip in today to join the fight.
Black women are facing a maternal health crisis. The only way to solve this is to speak the truth and act: This is a public health crisis. Thank you, Reps. Adams and Underwood for fighting to make sure Black women are heard.
I am sick and tired of Republican politicians restricting women’s access to reproductive health care, especially abortion. We have got to build a coalition of Americans who will fight to ensure women get the care they need.
Article on my visit to Iowa ethanol plant. The oil waivers from this administration didn’t stop w/EPA Secretary Pruitt leaving. The problem for midwest continues w/dozens of RFS waivers given to cos. like Chevron& Exxon. As President I would change that.
Donald Trump is coming to Minnesota tomorrow — tune in now to Amy’s press conference:…
Exactly! Flora and pharma: A better landscape on prescription drug costs begins to bloom.
Amy Klobuchar Retweeted
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