Another MATRIX? That's what it looks like. Keanu Reeves is teaming up with the Wachowskis for a fourth chapter of the film.
Now that's exciting news. I have THE MATRIX trilogy on BluRay. Most people I know -- male or female -- have it on DVD or BluRay. This is a film series that we all love.
Looks like NETFLIX is having to do layoffs:
There have been several layoffs of Netflix executives from different areas related to kids and family programming, I have learned. I hear the layoffs took place over the past two-three weeks. Five people were impacted.
The list includes Jenna Boyd. Director, Kids & Family Original Series; Jill Stewart Sanford, Manager, Original Animation; Josh Fisher, Creative Executive Manager, Original Animation; Shannon Smith; Counsel, Business & Legal Affairs, Kids and Family; and Julius Harper, Manager, Interactive.
I hear the departures are not part of cutbacks in kids and family programming, which has been one of Netflix’s growth areas in the past couple of years, and no other layoffs are expected.
Maybe if they didn't waste money by signing Barack Obama to develop 'new content' they could afford the people who've worked their asses off and have been delivering real programming -- a growth area for NETFLIX?
Going out with C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Tuesday, August 20, 2019. Deportations in Iraq continue to happen
because we're not (a) paying attention and (b) being honest. There is
no justification to remove anyone from the US and force them to Iraq.
Last week, more talk emerged about how Congress could do something to stop Iraqis from being sent back to Iraq. This followed the August 6th death of Jimmy Aldaoud who had been deported to Iraq two months prior.
Last week, more talk emerged about how Congress could do something to stop Iraqis from being sent back to Iraq. This followed the August 6th death of Jimmy Aldaoud who had been deported to Iraq two months prior.
Jimmy Aldaoud died in a Baghdad apartment last Tuesday after vomiting blood and begging to return to the US. He had lived in the Detroit area from infancy until he was deported in June.
But the talk had been going on before that. In fact, May 8th, Niraj Warikoo (DETROIT FREE PRESS) reported:
Two Michigan congressmen, one Democrat
and one Republican, introduced a House bill this week that would block
the deportations of more than 1,000 Iraqis.
House Reps. Andy Levin, D-Bloomfield Township, and John Moolenaar,
R-Midland, introduced the bipartisan legislation Tuesday titled
'Deferred Removal for Iraqi Nationals Including Minorities Act.' The
bill calls upon Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to stop any
deportations of the Iraqi immigrants, most of whom have criminal records
and had final orders of removal.
"Conditions in Iraq have worsened dramatically since these removal orders were entered," reads the bill. "Many Iraqis with removal orders will face persecution, torture, or death if removed."
bill is cosponsored by 12 of Michigan's 14 U.S. House representatives,
including all its Democrats and all but one Republican. There are
nine other cosponsors in the House from other states, including
Many of the 1,000 Iraqis who face
deportation are Chaldean, Iraqi Catholics who have faced discrimination
and violence in recent years in Iraq. They were legal immigrants and
some have lived in the U.S. for decades, but because of their criminal
records, are eligible for removal.
That was back in May. And nothing has been done.
People are missing the point and then some.
If this continues, Jimmy Aldaoud won’t be the last.
SLATE's article goes on to insist that more people will be deported to countries they did not grow up and . . .
How stupid are they?
The issue with regards to Iraq is very simple: It's a corrupt country. ISIS is again on the rise. It is a country at war. You do not send people there. Forget the fact that the US started the war, you don't send people to an unsafe country.
This is on Congress, for not acting, this is on court system for not providing the proper review, it's on us for allowing it to happen because we're so damn apathetic.
Just because you got bored with the Iraq War doesn't mean it ended. It continues.
The Iraqi people continue to be persecuted.
Iraqi people are dying every day inside Iraq.
At the same time Iraqi refugees are dying in the host countries because of long waiting of resettlement in the host countries.
No one calls for their right to live in safe&dignity.
Please recieve Iraqi refugees
And the US is forcing people to leave the US and go to Iraq?
That's not safe, that's not humanitarian. That doesn't follow the laws or customs of the United States. Somehow, everyone wants to overlook that basic fact.
The SLATE article is powerful and a wonderful generic article. But in terms of Iraqis, it serves no purpose.
Iraq is not generic country X. Iraq is a war torn country, a failed state, one of the five most corrupt nation-states in the world, a place where bombs are dropped -- we're not talking suicide bombers, we're talking US planes, Turkish planes, 'coalition' planes,' etc -- daily.
Turkish jets neutralize 5 PKK terrorists in N. Iraq
There is no legal justification to force anyone to leave the US and go to Iraq.
Congress has refused to provide oversight on Iraq -- despite the tantrum they threw to get Bully Boy Bush to set benchmarks. For those who have forgotten, he sat them. These benchmarks were to be met or support would be cut off. But then Iraq refused to meet them and Congress looked the other way. By 2008, the only one publicly mentioning them was US House Rep Lloyd Doggett. Today, amnesia has set in and Congress acts as though the benchmark episode never happened.) They failed to do their oversight role in the lead up to the Iraq War (yes, that would refer to then-Senator Joe Biden, among others. They failed once the Iraq War started.
I helped lead the opposition to the Iraq War. Joe Biden voted for it. When we talk about foreign policy there is a very clear difference in this election. #DemDebate2
Biden said he was a coal miner.
Biden said he was “shot at” in Iraq.
Biden said he participated in sit-ins at segregated restaurants and movie theaters.
These are just a few examples of Joe Biden describing major events in his life that never happened
Biden said he was a coal miner.
Biden said he was “shot at” in Iraq.
Biden said he participated in sit-ins at segregated restaurants and movie theaters.
These are just a few examples of Joe Biden describing major events in his life that never happened
Joe Biden vs Bernie Sanders on Iraq
Bernie: Saddam Hussein doesn't pose an imminent threat to the US, predicts expensive long-term occupation+terrorism
Joe: Praises Bush's approach...says Saddam may be seeking nukes.
Now who would you trust more on foreign policy?

Why do you not already know this? It’s like the @JoeBiden thing. Remind me, who was the Chairman of the Senate Forign Relations Committee, Intelligence etc, that in 2001 helped to shovel Bush’s WMD BS down our throats. His latest campaign advisor Burns, was Bushs pint man on Iraq
17 Things You Might Not Know About Joe Biden
1.) Biden’s Newest Advisor Is a George W. Bush Appointee Who Supported the Iraq War…
2.) Hear what he said when he...
Congress only wanted a pretense of oversight when Bully Boy Bush was in the Oval Office. This was made clear when Stuart Bowen was telling Congress -- begging them -- that the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction needed to remain open. But it was 2013 and Barack Obama was president so they just didn't care.
The US Embassy in Baghdad just bragged yesterday about $750 million US taxpayer dollars being given to Iraq in aid. Where does that money go? As we noted yesterday, that's enough money to give every Iraqi person $19.2 million.
Where does that money go?
There's no oversight.
Every years, millions are given to the Iraqi government, US taxpayer dollars, and life does not improve for the Iraqi people.
They know better than anyone how corrupt their government is. Yesterday, we noted the NDI polling on this topic.
Congress is not doing their job.
And Iraq is not safe for the Iraqis there.
The last thing that needs to happen is for any government to force an Iraqi to return to Iraq.
The following sites updated:
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