Above is Isaiah's latest THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Junior Explains His Trump Endorsement." Junior is a joke. He needs to grow the hell up but he's needed to do that for over 50 years so don't expect him to do so now.
BLINK TWICE. Zoe Kravitz directed this film and I urge you to see it. We saw it and loved it and I think most people will. If there's a but there it's just because I don't know how people will take Channing Tatum in a lead role where he's not a good guy.
He's varied his output and we accept him in drama roles now. But his likeability has always been part of his appeal. So to suddenly play a bad guy? I don't know how that'll go over.
But this is a film that will hold your attention and leave you talking after it's over.
Going out with C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Friday, August 23, 2024. When we fight, we win: The Democratic
Party's National Convention wraps up with Kamala Harris explaining what
this country can be.
Last night, the fourth night of
the Democratic Party's National Convention, Kamala Harris closed out the
night with her speech accepting the party's presidential nomination.
Good evening.
To my husband, Doug, thank you for being an incredible partner to me and father
to Cole and Ella.
And happy anniversary. I love you so very much.
To Joe Biden -- Mr. President. When I think about the path we have traveled
together, I am filled with gratitude.
Your record is extraordinary, as history will show.
And your character is inspiring. Doug and I love you and Jill. And I am forever
thankful to you both.
And to Coach Tim Walz, you are going to be an incredible Vice President.
And to the delegates and everyone who has put your faith in our campaign -- your
support is humbling.
America, the path that led me here in recent weeks, was no doubt … unexpected.
But I'm no stranger to unlikely journeys.
My mother Shyamala Harris had one of her own. I miss her every day. Especially
now. And I know she's looking down tonight. And smiling.
My mother was 19 when she crossed the world alone, traveling from India to
California, with an unshakeable dream to be the scientist who would cure breast
When she finished school, she was supposed to return home to a traditional
arranged marriage.
But, as fate would have it, she met my father, Donald Harris, a student from
Jamaica. They fell in love and got married, and that act of self-determination
made my sister Maya and me.
Growing up, we moved a lot. I will always remember that big Mayflower truck,
packed with all our belongings, ready to go: to Illinois, to Wisconsin, and
wherever our parents' jobs took us.
My early memories of my parents together are joyful ones. A home filled with
laughter and music. Aretha. Coltrane. And Miles.
At the park, my mother would tell us to stay close. But my father would just
smile, and say, "Run, Kamala. Run." "Don't be afraid." "Don't let anything stop
From my earliest years, he taught me to be fearless.
But the harmony between my parents did not last.
When I was in elementary school, they split up. And it was mostly my mother
who raised us.
Before she could finally afford to buy a home, she rented a small apartment in the
East Bay.
In the Bay, you either live in the hills or the flatlands. We lived in the flats.
A beautiful working-class neighborhood of firefighters, nurses, and construction
workers, all who tended their lawns with pride.
My mother worked long hours.
And, like many working parents, she leaned on a trusted circle to help raise us.
Mrs. Shelton, who ran the daycare below us and became a second mother. Uncle
Sherman. Aunt Mary. Uncle Freddy. And Auntie Chris.
None of them, family by blood. And all of them, Family. By love.
Family who taught us how to make gumbo. How to play chess. And sometimes
even let us win.
Family who loved us. Believed in us. And told us we could be anything. Do
They instilled in us the values they personified. Community. Faith. And the
importance of treating others as you would want to be treated. With kindness.
Respect. And compassion.
mother was a brilliant, five-foot-tall, brown woman with an accent. And,
the eldest child, I saw how the world would sometimes treat her.
But she never lost her cool. She was tough. Courageous. A trailblazer in
the fight
for women’s health.
And she taught Maya and me a lesson that Michelle mentioned the other
night: She taught us to never complain about injustice. But…do
something about it.
She also taught us: Never do anything half-assed. That's a direct quote.
I grew up immersed in the ideals of the Civil Rights Movement.
My parents had met at a civil rights gathering. And they made sure we learned
about civil rights leaders, including lawyers like Thurgood Marshall and
Constance Baker Motley.
Those who battled in the courtroom to make real the Promise of America. So, at a
young age, I decided I wanted to do that work. I wanted to be a lawyer.
And when it came time to choose the type of law I would pursue, I reflected on
a pivotal moment in my life.
When I was in high school, I started to notice something about my best friend
She was sad at school. And there were times she didn't want to go home.
So, one day, I asked if everything was alright. And she confided in me that she
was being sexually abused by her step-father. And I immediately told her she had
to come stay with us.
And she did.
That is one of the reasons I became a prosecutor.
To protect people like Wanda. Because I believe everyone has a right: To safety.
To dignity. And to justice.
As a prosecutor, when I had a case, I charged it not in the name of the victim. But
in the name of. "The People." For a simple reason. In our system of justice, a harm against any one of us is a
harm against all of us.
I would often explain this, to console survivors of crime. To remind them: No one
should be made to fight alone. We are all in this together.
day in the courtroom, I stood proudly before a judge and said five
words: "Kamala Harris, for the People." And to be clear: My entire
career, I have only had one client. The People.
And so, on behalf of The People, On behalf of every American. Regardless
party. Race. Gender. Or the language your grandmother speaks.
On behalf of my mother and everyone who has ever set out on their own
On behalf of Americans like the people I grew up with. People who work
Chase their dreams. And look out for one another.
On behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest
nation on
I accept your nomination for President of the United States of America.
With this election, our nation has a precious, fleeting opportunity to move past
the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles of the past.
A chance to chart a New Way Forward.
Not as members of any one party or faction. But as Americans.
I know there are people of various political views watching tonight.
And I want you to know: I promise to be a President for all Americans.
You can always trust me to put country above party and self. To hold sacred
America’s fundamental principles. From the rule of law. To free and fair
elections. To the peaceful transfer of power.
I will be a President who unites us around our highest aspirations. A President
who leads. And listens. Who is realistic. Practical. And has common sense. And
always fights for the American people.
From the courthouse to the White House, that has been my life’s work.
As a young courtroom prosecutor in Oakland, I stood up for women and children
against predators who abused them.
As Attorney General of California, I took on the Big Banks. Delivered $20 billion
for middle-class families who faced foreclosure. And helped pass a Homeowner
Bill of Rights -- one of the first of its kind.
I stood up: For veterans and students being scammed by Big for-Profit colleges.
For workers who were being cheated out of the wages they were due. For seniors
facing elder abuse. I fought against cartels who traffic in guns, drugs, and human beings. Who
threaten the security of our border and the safety of our communities.
Those fights were not easy. And neither were the elections that put me in those
offices. We were underestimated at every turn. But we never gave up. Because the
future is always worth fighting for.
And that's the fight we are in right now. A fight for America's future.
Fellow Americans, this election is not only the most important of our lives. It is
one of the most important in the life of our nation.
In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man.
But the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are
extremely serious.
Consider not only the chaos and calamity when he was in office, but also the
gravity of what has happened since he lost the last election.
Donald Trump tried to throw away your votes.
When he failed, he sent an armed mob to the United States Capitol, where they
assaulted law enforcement officers.
When politicians in his own party begged him to call off the mob and send help,
he did the opposite. He fanned the flames.
And now, for an entirely different set of crimes, he was found guilty of fraud by a
jury of everyday Americans. And separately, found liable for committing sexual
And consider what he intends to do if we give him power again.
Consider his explicit intent to set free the violent extremists who assaulted those
law enforcement officers at the Capitol.
His explicit intent to jail journalists. Political opponents. Anyone he sees as the
His explicit intent to deploy our active-duty military against our own citizens.
Consider the power he will have -- especially after the United States Supreme
Court just ruled he would be immune from criminal prosecution.
Just imagine Donald Trump with no guardrails. How he would use the immense
powers of the presidency of the United States. Not to improve your life. Not to
strengthen our national security. But to serve the only client he has ever had: Himself.
we know what a second Trump term would look like. It's all laid out in
Project 2025. Written by his closest advisors. And its sum total is to
pull, our
country back into the past.
But America, we are not going back.
We are not going back to when Donald Trump tried to cut Social Security and
Medicare. We are not going back to when he tried to get rid of the Affordable
Care Act.
When insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions.
We are not going to let him eliminate the Department of Education that funds
our public schools. We are not going to let him end programs like Head Start that
provide preschool and child care.
America, we are not going back.
We are charting. A. New. Way. Forward.
Forward -- to a future with a strong and growing middle class.
Because we know a strong middle class has always been critical to America's
success. And building that middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency.
This is personal for me.
The middle class is where I come from. My mother kept a
strict budget. We lived within our means. Yet, we wanted for little.
And she expected us to make the most of the opportunities that were available to
us. And to be grateful for them. Because opportunity is not available to everyone.
That's why we will create what I call an opportunity economy. An opportunity
economy where everyone has a chance to compete and a chance to succeed.
Whether you live in a rural area, small town, or big city.
As President, I will bring together: Labor and workers, Small business owners
and entrepreneurs, And American companies.
To create jobs. Grow our economy. And lower the cost of everyday needs. Like
health care. Housing. And groceries.
We will: Provide access to capital for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and
founders. We will end America’s housing shortage.
And protect Social Security
and Medicare.
Compare that to
Donald Trump. He doesn't actually fight for the middle class.
Instead, he fights for himself and his billionaire friends. He will give
another round of tax breaks, that will add 5 trillion dollars to the
national debt. All while he intends to enact what, in effect, is a
national sales tax -- call it, a
Trump tax -- that would raise prices on middle-class families by almost
thousand dollars a year.
Well, instead of a Trump tax hike, we will pass a middle class tax cut
that will
benefit more than 100 million Americans.
Friends, I believe America cannot truly be prosperous unless Americans are fully
able to make their own decisions about their own lives. Especially on matters
of heart and home.
But tonight, too many women in America are not able to make those decisions.
Let's be clear about how we got here.
Donald Trump hand-picked members of the United States Supreme Court to take
away reproductive freedom. And now he brags about it. His words: Quote: "I did
it, and I'm proud to have done it." End quote.
Over the past two years, I have traveled across our country. And women have told
me their stories. Husbands and fathers have shared theirs. Stories of: Women
miscarrying in a parking lot…Getting sepsis…Losing the ability to ever have
children again…
All because doctors are afraid of going to jail for caring for their patients.
Couples just trying to grow their family…cut off in the middle of IVF treatments.
Children who have survived sexual assault, potentially forced to carry the
pregnancy to term.
This is what is happening in our country.
Because of Donald Trump.
And understand, he is not done.
As a part of his agenda, he and his allies would: Limit access to birth control, Ban
medication abortion, And enact a nation-wide abortion ban with or without
And. Get this, he plans to create a National. Anti-Abortion. Coordinator. And
force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions. Simply put. They
are. Out. Of. Their. Minds.
And one must ask: Why exactly is it that they don't trust women?
Well. We. trust. women.
And when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom, as President of
the United States, I will proudly sign it into. law.
In this election, many other fundamental freedoms are at stake. The freedom to
live safe from gun violence
The freedom to love who you love openly and with pride.
The freedom to breathe
clean air, drink clean water, and live free from the pollution that fuels the climate
And the freedom that unlocks all the others. The freedom to vote.
With this election, We finally have the opportunity to pass the John Lewis Voting
Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act.
And let me be clear. After decades in law
enforcement, I know the importance of safety and security, especially at our
Last year, Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to
write the strongest border bill in decades.
The Border Patrol endorsed it.
But Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign. So he
ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal.
Well, I refuse to play politics with our security.
Here is my pledge to you: As
President, I will bring back the bipartisan border security bill that he killed. And
I will sign it into law.
I know we can live up to our proud heritage as a nation of immigrants -- And
reform our broken immigration system. We can create an earned pathway to
citizenship == And secure our border. America, we must also be steadfast in
advancing our security and our values abroad.
As Vice President, I have: confronted threats to our security, negotiated with
foreign leaders, strengthened our alliances, and engaged with our brave troops
As Commander-in-Chief, I will ensure America always has the strongest, most
lethal fighting force in the world. I will fulfill our sacred obligation to care for our
troops and their families.
And I will always honor, and never disparage, their service and their sacrifice.
I will make sure that: We lead the world into the future on space and Artificial
Intelligence. That America -- not China -- wins The competition for the 21st
century. And that we strengthen -- not abdicate -- our global leadership.
on the other hand, threatened to abandon NATO. He encouraged Putin to
invade our allies. Said Russia could -- quote -- "do whatever the hell
they want." Five days before Russia attacked Ukraine, I met with
President Zelensky to warn
him about Russia's plan to invade. I helped mobilize a global response
over 50 countries -- to defend against Putin's aggression. And as
President, I will
stand strong with Ukraine and our NATO allies.
With respect to the war in Gaza. President Biden and I are working around the
clock. Because now is the time to get a hostage deal and ceasefire done.
Let me be clear: I will always stand up for Israel's right to defend itself and I will
always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself. Because the people of Israel
must never again face the horror that the terrorist organization Hamas caused on
October 7th. Including unspeakable sexual violence and the massacre of young
people at a music festival.
At the same time, what has happened in Gaza over the past 10 months is
devastating. So many innocent lives lost. Desperate, hungry people fleeing for
safety, over and over again. The scale of suffering is heartbreaking.
President Biden and I are working to end this war such that Israel is secure, the
hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can
realize their right to dignity. Security. Freedom. And self-determination.
And know this: I will never hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to defend
our forces and our interests against Iran and Iran-backed terrorists. And I will
not cozy up to tyrants and dictators like Kim-Jong-Un, who are rooting for
Trump. Because they know he is easy to manipulate with flattery and favors. They
know Trump won’t hold autocrats accountable -- because he wants to be an
As President, I will never waver in defense of America’s security and ideals.
Because, in the enduring struggle between democracy and tyranny, I know where
I stand -- and where the United States of America belongs.
Fellow Americans, I love our country with all my heart.
Everywhere I go -- in everyone I meet -- I see a nation ready to move forward.
Ready for the next step, in the incredible journey that is America.
I see an America where we hold fast to the fearless belief that built our nation.
That inspired the world. That here, in this country, anything is possible. Nothing
is out of reach.
An America, where we care for one another, look out for one another, and
recognize that we have so much more in common than what separates us. That
none of us has to fail for all of us to succeed. And that, in unity, there is strength.
Our opponents in this race are out there, every day, denigrating America. Talking
about how terrible everything is. Well, my mother had another lesson she used to
teach. Never let anyone tell you who you are. You show them who you are.
America, let us show each other -- and the world -- who we are. And what we stand
for. Freedom. Opportunity. Compassion. Dignity. Fairness. And endless
We are the heirs to the greatest democracy in the history of the world. And on
behalf of our children and grandchildren, and all those who sacrificed so dearly
for our freedom and liberty, we must be worthy of this moment.
It is now our
turn to do what generations before us have done. Guided by optimism and faith,
to fight for this country we love.
To fight for the ideals we cherish.
And to uphold the awesome responsibility that comes with the greatest privilege
on Earth. The privilege and pride of being an American.
So, let's get out there and let's fight for it.
Let's get out there and let's vote for it.
And together, let us write the next great chapter in the most extraordinary story
ever told.
Thank you. God bless you.
May God bless the United States of America.
a week of good speeches -- great speeches like Oprah's speech and
Michelle Obama's speech to name just two -- Kamala lived up to the
moment and delivered. Why is she running? Why should you vote in this
election? Why should you vote for her? It was all laid out --
powerfully -- in the speech above.
Thursday night saw Pink perform her 2017 hit "What About Us?"
it was the perfect song for a night ending with Kamala explaining what
about us -- what about our country, what about our democracy.
Many spoke last night, including Senator Tammy Baldwin.
serving in the House of Representatives, Tammy became one of
Wisconsin's senators and she's served her state very well for the last
11 years. Colin Allred is a US House Rep running for the US Senate in
Mike's a big fan of Colin's and is among those around the country rooting for him. Last night, Mike noted:
Ruth knows I've mentioned being
impressed with Collin Allred who's running for the US Senate out of
Texas and she saw this in a report by Aaron Parnas (MEDIASTOUCH NEWS):
Republicans got an even worse omen in the Senate polling as the poll
has Texas Senator Ted Cruz up just 2 points against his Democratic
challenger, Collin Allred. Given the fact that this is just a 2 point
race two months before Election Day, it is not inconceivable that Allred
would be able to make up the ground between now and November 5th and
expand the Senate map for Democrats.
Allred knows that he's fighting an uphill battle, as Texas is still a red state. But a University of Texas poll released in early August found Allred trailing Cruz by only 2 percent.
you're a former professional football player in a situation like that,"
Allred told Baptist News, "people will unsurprisingly look to you for
protection. So I took my suit jacket off and got ready to take on
whatever came through that door."
Democratic congressman continued, "That day, we came closer to losing
our democracy than a lot of people realize, and Ted Cruz is responsible
for that. He spread the lie that the election was stolen and was the
senator who objected to the certification of the results in an attempt
to overturn the will of the American people. But when the mob stormed
the Capitol, he hid in a supply closet."
hid in a supply closet!!! Sabina (community member who lives in
Dallas) is a big Collin supporter and she says the only ad Ted's running
is one attacking Collin on immigration. I think Collin should run an
ad about Ted hiding in a supply closet.
He hid in a supply closet.
does strike many as cowardly. But here's my big problem with it: In
real time, he was so scared (and probably with good cause) that he hid.
Yet he tries to pretend today that it was nothing.
did not show up the morning of January 7, 2021 screaming coup! Or
anything else. I waited for the facts to emerge. The facts have
emerged. It was an attempted coup. It was an assault on our
democracy. As Betty and Rebecca
repeatedly make clear at their sites over and over: These people who
tried to overthrow the government are damn lucky because what they did
was treason.
From the start of this site, we've not
tossed that word around and I've repeatedly noted why: It's a serious
charge with the maximum penalty being execution.
But treason is the only term of the actions of January 6th and people are damn lucky that they're not being executed.
Some of those people were misled and that's on Donald Trump and those who plotted the violence.
But, again, they are lucky, those convicted, that a little time behind bars is the worst they'll be facing.
On January 6th, Ted Cruz was so scared he hid. And it might have saved his life.
I wouldn't have called him a coward for hiding alone.
I do call him a coward in 2024 because he witnessed things that so
bothered him that he felt the need to hide but now, today, he wants to
pretend like January 6th was no big thing and that Donald is someone
worth supporting.
Ted Cruz is a coward and embarrassment, he is a stain on democracy.
Former US House Rep Adam Kinzinger (Republican) addressed that reality in his DNC speech last night.
Good evening. I'm Adam
Kinzinger and I'm proud to be in the trenches with you as part of this
sometimes awkward alliance-to defend truth, democracy, and decency. I
was just a kid when I was drawn to the party of Ronald Reagan-to his
vision of a strong America, the shining city on a hill. I was a
Republican for 12 years in Congress and I still hold onto the label. I
never thought I'd be here, but listen, you never thought you'd see me
here did you?
But I've
learned something about the Democratic Party. And I want to let my
fellow Republicans in on the secret. The Democrats are as patriotic as
They love this
country just as much as we do. And they are as eager to defend American
values at home and abroad as we conservatives have ever been.
was relieved to discover that because I've learned something about my
party, too. Something I couldn't ignore. The Republican Party is no
longer conservative. It has switched its allegiance. From the principles
that gave it purpose, to a man whose only purpose is himself.
Donald Trump is a weak
man pretending to be strong. He is a small man pretending to be big.
He's a faithless man pretending to be righteous. He's a perpetrator who
can't stop playing the victim. He puts on, listen, he puts on quite a
show but there's no real strength there.
a conservative and a veteran, I believe true strength lies in defending
the vulnerable. It's in protecting your family. It's in standing up for
our Constitution and our democracy. That, that is the soul of being a
conservative. It used to be the soul of being a Republican, but Donald
Trump has suffocated the soul of the Republican Party.
fundamental weakness has coursed through my party like an illness,
sapping our strength, softening our spine, whipping us into a fever that
has untethered us from our values.
democracy was frayed by the events of January 6th, as Donald Trump's
deceit and dishonor led to a siege on the United States Capitol. That
day, I stood witness to a profound sorrow: the desecration of our sacred
tradition of peaceful transition of power, tarnished by a man too
fragile, too vain, and too weak to accept defeat.
can a party claim to be patriotic if it idolizes a man who tried to
overthrow a free and fair election? How can a party claim to stand for
liberty if it sees a fight for freedom in Ukraine, an attack pitting
tyranny against democracy, a challenge to everything our nation claims
to be, and it retreats? It equivocates. It nominates a man who is
weirdly obsessed with Putin. And his running mate, who has said, "I
don't care what happens in Ukraine." And he wants to be vice president,
How can a party claim to
be conservative when it tarnishes the gift our forebearers fought for?
Men like my grandfather, who served in World War II. Who believed in a
cause bigger than himself and he risked his life for it behind enemy
lines. To preserve American democracy, his generation found the courage
to face down armies.
Listen, all we're asked to do is summon the courage to stand up to one weak man.
have questioned why I've taken the stand I have. The answer is really
simple ladies and gentlemen: We must put country first.
tonight, as a Republican speaking before you, I'm putting our country
first. Because the fact is, I do belong here. I know Kamala Harris
shares my allegiance to the rule of law, the Constitution, and
democracy. And she is dedicated to upholding all three in service to our
country. Whatever policies we disagree on pale in comparison with those
fundamental matters of principle, of decency and of fidelity to this
To my fellow
Republicans: If you still pledge allegiance to those principles, I
suspect you belong here, too. Because democracy knows no party. It is a
living, breathing ideal that defines us as a nation. It's the bedrock
that separates us from tyranny, and when that foundation is fractured,
we must all stand together united to strengthen it.
If you think those
principles are worth defending, I urge you: Make the right choice. Vote
for our bedrock values and vote for Kamala Harris.
God bless you.
Adam spoke Thursday night and gave a great speech. Last night, Rebecca noted some of the Republicans speaking at the DNC convention earlier this week:
night 3 had great speakers and tonight's the night kamala harris speaks
and the convention wraps. i said i'd cover the republicans - i was
married to 1 once - so that's what i'm grabbing.
republicans want to reclaim their party and i don't blame them. to do that, donald trump has to be defeated in november.
tuesday night say mayor john giles (mesa) speaking and he explained he
was 'a lifelong republican. so i feel a little out of place tonight. but
i feel more at home here than in today's republican party.' he cites
republican senator john mccain (and 2008 presidential nominee) who
passed away in ,'my hero, john mccain has taught us to put country over
party. and that's how vice president harris and governor walz will lead
her speech, Grisham, once a devoted Trump supporter, shed light on the
former president’s true character and painted a picture of a destructive
leader who lacked all empathy and morals.
punctuated her speech with a screenshot of a text exchange between
herself and then-First Lady Melania Trump during the January 6 riot. In
the texts, Grisham urged Melania to tweet a message that called for
peaceful protests and condemned the violence, but the first lady flatly
refused, with the single word “No.”
Grisham said, “I became the first senior staffer to resign that day…I couldn’t be part of the insanity any longer.”
continued, “When I was press secretary, I got skewered for never
holding a White House briefing, it’s because, unlike my boss, I never
wanted to stand at that podium and lie…Now, here I am behind a podium
advocating for a Democrat. And that’s because I love my country more
than my party.”
that's something we've been talking about in roundtables for the
community newsletters - maga is the problem. there are many non-maga
republicans and there are probably some maga republicans who have been
misled and can return to normal. but the maga republicans are nuts and
they believe any and every conspiracy in the world.
they have destroyed the republican party.
disagreed during my 1st marriage politically but we could talk - and
still do. the maga cannot talk to any 1 but themselves. they're like
scientologists - if you're not in their cult, you do not exist and you
do not matter.
also talked in her speech about how donald could not stand it if the
attention wasn't on him. she talked about him getting angry at an
i.c.u. when the press cameras were focused on victims of a shooting
instead of him.
stephanie was talking about the el paso texas shooting from 2019. so we're all on the same page, this is from 'wikipedia:'
On August 3, 2019, a mass shooting occurred at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas, United States. The gunman, 21-year-old Patrick Wood Crusius, killed 23 people[n 1] and injured 22 others.[14][15] The Federal Bureau of Investigation investigated the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism and a hate crime.[16][17] The shooting has been described as the deadliest attack on Latinos in modern American history.[18][19]
Crusius surrendered and was arrested and charged with capital murder in connection with the shooting. He posted a manifesto with white nationalist and anti-immigrant themes on the imageboard 8chan shortly before the attack.[20] The manifesto cites the Christchurch mosque shootings earlier that year, and the far-right conspiracy theory known as the Great Replacement, as inspiration for the attack. On February 8, 2023, following an announcement that the Department of Justice would not seek the death penalty, Crusius pleaded guilty to 90 federal murder and hate crime charges.[21][22] On
July 7, 2023, Crusius was sentenced to 90 consecutive life sentences,
but he is currently pending trial for state charges that would still
potentially result in the death penalty under Texas state jurisdiction if found guilty.[23][24]
[. . .]
The shooting has been described as the deadliest anti-Latino attack in recent U.S. history,[18][19][43][44] resulting
in 23 deaths and 22 injuries. Twenty of the victims were pronounced
dead at the scene, one victim died the day after the event, another
victim died two days after,[45] and a third died eight months later on April 26, 2020.[4] Among the dead were thirteen Americans, eight Mexicans and one German.[46] The
names, ages, and citizenships of 22 of the dead were released by the El
Paso Police Department on August 5. Seventeen were 56 or older, two
were in their 40s, two in their 20s, one was 36, and one was 15.[47]
Thirteen victims were taken to the University Medical Center of El Paso,[17] and another eleven to the Del Sol Medical Center.[48] Two children, ages 2 and 9, were transferred to El Paso Children's Hospital after their conditions were stabilized.[49] The Del Sol Medical Center patients were between 35 and 82 years old.[17]
[. . .]
Patrick Wood Crusius (born July 27, 1998) was arrested shortly after the shooting and charged with capital murder.[49][50][51] A 21-year-old of German and Italian descent,[52][53][54] he was last known to have lived in his family's home in Allen, Texas, in the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex,[17][48][55] approximately 650 miles (1,050 km) from El Paso.[56] He graduated in 2017 from Plano Senior High School, and was enrolled at Collin College from 2017 until spring 2019.[56]
Crusius legally purchased a GP WASR-10 semiautomatic rifle and 1,000 rounds of hollow-point ammunition online in June 2019.[3][57] During his first interrogation, he told detectives he had targeted Mexicans, according to an arrest warrant affidavit.[58][59][60][61][53] Crusius was also diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.[62]
Crusius registered to vote in 2016 as a Republican and had a Twitter account from 2017 that showed a photo of Donald Trump in
the Oval Office. He also had a pro-Trump poll that included responses
such as "#BuildTheWall, #NoSanctuaryCities, #KeepGitmoOpen and
night, advisor to mike pence olivia troye spoke about how she'd dreamed
her whole life about growing up and working in the white house. and
she was so happy to be there but then she was forced to resign.
so ollvia explained in her speech last night that she saw donald
repeatedly undermine the military leaders and the intelligence analysts
and 'ultimately our democratic process' and that's why she had to
said, 'now he's doing it again - lying and laying the groundwork to
undermine this election - it's his m.o. to sew doubt and division.
that's what trump wants. it's the only way he wins. and that's what
our foreign adversaries want because that's the only way they win.'
she said, 'what keeps me up at night is what'll happen if he gets back there.'
'the guard rails are gone,' she explained. 'the few adults in the room the 1st time resigned or were fired.'
she painted accurate picture which is why it's so scary.
night saw georgia's former lt. governor (a republican) geoff duncan
speak of why he was voting for kamala harris, 'look you don't have to
agree with every policy position of kamala harris - i don't. but you do
have to recognize her prosecutor mindset that understands right from
wrong, good from evil. she's a steady hand and will bring leadership to
the white house that donald trump could never do. let me be clear to my
republican friends at home watching: if you vote for kamala harris in
2024, you're not a democrat, you're a patriot.'
well said.
Marcia posted early yesterday
because she didn't want to miss a moment of the prime time speeches
last night and she and her wife planned to pop open a bottle of champaign
for a toast when Kamala spoke. And that's what Kamala's speech was,
what the entire convention was: Yes, these are some dark times but we
are not defeated and we not left without options and that's something we
can act on and celebrate. We can fight for this country and for
democracy. The convention slogan said it all: When we fight, we win.
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