Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Chump does not know anything about the arts

The Kennedy Center.  From WIKIPEDIA:

The John F. Kennedy Memorial Center for the Performing Arts, commonly known as the Kennedy Center, is the national cultural center of the United States, located on the eastern bank of the Potomac River in Washington, D.C. Opened on September 8, 1971, the center hosts many different genres of performance art, such as theater, dance, classical music, jazz, pop, psychedelic, and folk music. It is the official residence of the National Symphony Orchestra and the Washington National Opera.

Authorized by the National Cultural Center Act of 1958,[1] which requires that its programming be sustained through private funds, the center represents a public–private partnership. Its activities include educational and outreach initiatives, almost entirely funded through ticket sales and gifts from individuals, corporations, and private foundations. However, the center receives annual federal funding to pay for building maintenance and operation.

The original building, designed by architect Edward Durell Stone,[1] was constructed by Philadelphia contractor John McShain, and is administered as a bureau of the Smithsonian Institution. An earlier design proposal called for a more curvy, spaceship-inspired building similar to how the Watergate complex appears today.[2] An extension to the Durell Stone Building was designed by Steven Holl and opened in 2019.

In 1968, George London became the Kennedy Center's first executive director (often called "artistic director" by the press). In 1991, Lawrence Wilker took over the newly created position of president. In 2014, Deborah Rutter became its third president and the first woman to hold that post. In 2025, President Donald Trump became the organization's chairman.

Donald Chump is destroying the Kennedy Center.  Some say that is because his trampy wife wants to pretend she's classy -- with a capital K.  I have no idea.  But he's destroying the Kennedy Center -- see Kat's "Draft Dodger Chump cozies up to draft dodger Lee Greenwood" and "Donald Chump stinks up the Kennedy Center."  Chump's knowledge of the arts starts with porn and ends with 'reality' TV.  So he's just made a mess of everything.  Andrew Beaujon (WASHINGTONIAN) reports:

The Kennedy Center canceled a concert planned for May 21 that was to feature the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, DC, performing alongside the National Symphony Orchestra. The two groups were planning to collaborate on a piece called “A Peacock Among Pigeons,” with GMCW serving as the orchestra’s guest chorus. No explanation was given.

In a statement, the chorus says it’s “deeply disappointed” by the news. “We believe in the power of music to educate and uplift, to foster love, understanding, and community, and we regret that this opportunity has been taken away.”

Remember, Donald Chump is a convicted felon.  At the end of his life, he will die an embarrassment and a figure hated around the world.  He is trash that his own father didn't love and there's a reason for that.  

Going out with C.I.'s "The Snapshot:"

Wednesday, February 19, 2025.  If you've got the time, we've got a lot of work to do to stop Donald Chump's assault on our nation. 

Imagine being a governor in the US sucking up to Convicted Felon Donald Chump and swearing what Chump's doing is wonderful while also announcing you're preparing some form of 'relief' packages for the workers in the state that Chump's fired.  Rachel Maddow addressed that last night on MSNBC.

Rachel notes some Chump voters with regrets.  They didn't realize he would actually do what he said he would do.  Rachel also notes politicians -- like the laughable Senator Susan Collins -- going along with Chump's policies but asking for an exemption from them for their state. 

There are no exemptions coming.  He can't argue in court that they were legal and fair actions if he exempts Maine and not Georgia.  He has to apply these disaster policies across the board.  The time to object, Susan Collins, was when he wanted your vote for a confirmation.  That was the time to have a spine.  

This is going on across the country.  These are going to be massive layoffs and unemployment is only going to increase.  If you fell for his lie about he'd lower grocery prices on day one because you were struggling economically?  You think it's going to be any easier in the coming months, now that grocery prices have gone up, as you face a layoff at the government office you work, the university you work at, etc and suddenly you're on welfare?

If you're a Republican, you need to be calling this out.  If you're a Democrat represented in the Senate by one or two Republicans, don't bury your head in the sand.  Let your Republican senators hear from you.  They are supposed to represent you -- regardless of party i.d. though you don't need to tell them your party i.d. -- and they're not doing their job.

They need to know that you're watching and you're objecting.  

Polling already demonstrates that more Americans disapprove of Chump's actions than approve.  That message needs to be sent to every US senator.  

Even a useless idiot like Glenn Youngkin needs to hear it.  Unless the laws changed, maybe it has, he can't run for re-election.  If this is where he chooses to end his political career, great, the people of Virginia will be better off.  But if he's eyeing a Senate run or a presidential run, grasping just how unpopular he's becoming and just how weak he looks might motivate him to stop kissing Chump's ass.

Might not.

But, if you're active right now, you need to be contacting your senators.  The Senate has 100 members.  53 of those are Republicans.  You want to reign in Chump?  We need to peel off some support and the way we do that is making it very clear to Republican senators that we object and that they need to find their spines.  

A nut job like Junior should never have been put in charge of Health and Human Services -- and they know that, the Republicans who voted for him.  They need to be put on notice, they need to know that the voters in their home states saw what they did and that this craven disrespect for We The People and the Constitution is outrageous.

Consider the Republicans in the Senate infants born in January.  They try to stand and they fall.  It's our job to encourage them to stand upright. 

Make them defend everything Chump is doing because they're signing off on it.

Senator Patty Murray (Democrat) is a former Chair of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee.  Her office issued the following:

ICYMI: Senator Murray: Trump Must Reverse Firing of VA Researchers Across the Country, Threatens to Decimate Lifesaving Work on Veterans’ Medical Care, Prosthetics, and More

ICYMI: FACT SHEET: Trump & Elon’s Layoffs Jeopardize Essential Services Americans Rely On, Threaten Critical Agency Objectives Keeping Americans Safe & Healthy

Washington, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Vice Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and a senior member and former Chair of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, joined Senators Jon Ossoff (D-GA), Jack Reed (D-RI), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), and Gary Peters (D-MI) in pressing Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Doug Collins to protect veterans, their families, and VA staff from unprecedented access to sensitive information by Elon Musk and his “Department of Government Efficiency” (DOGE). According to a recent report by, DOGE employees accessed VA computer systems at the Department’s headquarters in Washington, D.C.

“We understand that personnel reporting to Mr. Musk have recently visited VA facilities,” wrote the senators to Secretary Collins. “Senators, veterans, and members of the public have serious concerns regarding Mr. Musk’s extraordinary and unprecedented activities and the lack of transparency surrounding them, including his potential access to and handling of sensitive or personal information.”

“Accordingly, we seek specific information regarding VA’s engagement with Elon Musk and the Department of Government Efficiency,” they continued.

Senator Murray and her colleagues requested a list of DOGE personnel who have visited VA facilities, the systems they accessed, and whether veteran data—including medical and service records—may have been viewed, copied, or transferred. They also requested that Secretary Collins reveal the nature of the agreement under which DOGE personnel are governed by in their engagement with the VA.

Senator Murray has spoken out forcefully against President Trump and Elon Musk’s mass firing of VA employees across the country who are in the middle of critical research on topics including mental health, alcohol and opioid withdrawal, cancer treatments, burn pit exposure, prosthetics, diabetic ulcers, and more. Earlier this month, Senator Murray sounded the alarm over reports of DOGE at the VA and voted against Collins’s nomination to be VA Secretary, making clear that the Trump administration’s lawlessness was putting our national security and our veterans at risk. Alongside 25 of her colleagues, Murray sent another letter earlier this month to Secretary Collins, demanding that he deny and sever Musk and DOGE’s access to any VA or other government system with information about veterans, and to delete any veterans’ information in their possession.

The full text of the senators’ letter to Secretary Collins can be found here.


We need to hold Chump and the Republicans backing his awful agenda responsible.

They're not the only ones we need to hold responsible.  By all means, contact your Dem representatives in Congress.  Stiffen their spines.  Demand action.

But that's not what I'm talking about.

"Our job."  

Refers to those who are not on vacation.  Betty's "Quit trying to make it happen, Black women are not forgiving Tlaib" went up last night.  Betty's not on vacation.  If she needed to take time though, she should.  Some people do.  And it may be weeks, months or years. I don't blame you and you take every minute you need. 

I get it. 

We were stabbed in the back and disrespected.  And we wrongly thought that people like Amy Goodman and Kyle Kuliniski and Katrina vanden Heuverl and Sam Seder and so many more 'friends' would come to our defense.

They didn't.

Because they weren't our friends.  We were Black women who were Democrats.

They are Democratic Socialists.

The online attacks that we faced?  Never noted by them to this day.

Because they agreed with those attacks.  Uncomitted was a DSA 'movement.'   They launched it and they wanted to do real harm.  That's why Katrina asked THE NATION interns to write an editorial (I've harmed one offline with regards to the job market and made it clear that information on this is the only thing that's going to allow employment in the future the intern wanted) advocating that people not vote for Kamala.  Katrina knows THE NATION needs donors to survive and that most DSAers don't have the kind of money THE NATION needs.  So she hid behind the interns.  She asked them to write the editorial and then she published it -- you remember an intern editorial on an election before? nope -- and popularized it on Twitter (because racists like Katrina don't want to come to BLUESKY) and could pretend that her hands -- and the hands of the Marxist she put in charge of the magazine -- were clean.  Sadly for her, the donor class has not fallen for her b.s. Especially not now when I've got a recording of the intern outlining just what Katrina did behind the scenes.  Oh, and Katrina, as I've said here before, I do know where your mom hid it.  That thing you're still so desperate to find.  What you ransacked her apartment for after she jumped off her balcony.  I know.  And I'm never telling you where it is.

Poor Katrina, even her own mother didn't trust her.  Trusted me though -- enough to share just how embarrassing Katrina truly is.

But we saw what happened.  

We turned out for everyone, election after election.  We got Socialists like Laura Flanders giving us empty words of praise for that. 

But when we had the chance to save democracy by election a qualified Black woman, the Socialists instead worked to defeat her.  Again, that's why I don't believe the 'left' on reparations.  I think it's just something Socialists advocate for but won't really do.  If they really felt we were owed reparations, then the first place to start would have been voting for the Black woman and not the racist convicted felon. 

It was a shock and it was a betrayal.  I understand that.  And the attacks on us were even worse -- and that's why Sam Seder, for example, won't cover those attacks, even now.  They instead want to force Socialist Rashida Tlaib down our throats.

She, they insist, had to support "her people."  

Did I miss something?

Bitch, wasn't born in this country?

She did what she did and it was a betrayal and, as Betty notes, we're not forgiving her. 

She worked to elect Donald Chump.

That's not big deal to DSA-ers.

And that's why you need to be stopped.

Look around at the chaos you caused.  I get it, you want to  tear down the system.  So this probably feels like a 'win' to you still.  

It's not a win for the American people and that's why the DSA can't even get to 100,000 members and tries to hide in our party, the Democratic Party.  Those days are over.

If we'd worked together, we could have continued.

But DSA -- call them Justice Democrats, they have so many names like a hooker who gets busted repeatedly.  DSA didn't want to work with us.  They wanted to put Chump in the White House.  

Well they got what they wanted and they're not going to hide in our midst anymore.

If you're late to the party, I've not castigated the SEP or the PSL.  Those are Socialists.  Those are out and proud Socialists who organize and build and try to impact.  DSA tricks and stays in a closet.  Kyle knew calling his DSA slate of candidates -- his and Cenk's -- Justice Socialists wouldn't have gotten anyone elected.  So he came up with the lie of Justice Democrats.

Your days of hiding are over.

The whole country is suffering now because of you. The American people had a right to know what you truly were.  Now that you have put Chump into office, the American people have a right for you to come with a warning label.

Let's move to another topic.  Julia Ornedo (THE DAILY BEAST) thought she was on to something:

Whatever she was on to is defeated by the headline (which she most likely didn't write) "ICE Barbie Launches New Ad Blitz With ‘a Message From President Trump’."   She never once calls Noem a "Barbie" in her article.  What is it with the "Barbie"?  Chelsea Handler probably pioneered in during Chump's first term.  But no one can build on that?  "ICE Midge Launches . . ."  -- "ICE American Girl Doll"?  It's not only sexist, it's route.  And, sorry to break it to you, (a) not everyone's a Barbie and (b) Barbie is a very popular doll and cultural icon.  "Dog Shooter Noem" or "Dog Killer Noem"?  They are more than sufficient.  And actually capture her and what she does unless your point is to argue that grown women are "dolls" -- in which case, you don't belong in the press, you belong in Donald Chump's administration. 

Not getting the point?  Grace Hall (MIAMI HERALD) reports:

Admiral L. Fagah, the highest-ranking woman in the U.S. military, was recently ousted from her position as Commandant of the Coast Guard by President Donald Trump. Following her termination, Fagan was reportedly given three hours to vacate her government-funded residence on Joint Base Anacostia Bolling inWashington, DC. This decision made by Homeland Security officials under the directive of the president. The eviction came after she was initially granted a 60-day waiver to find new housing.

America, remember that Senator Joni Ernst voted to confirm Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense -- despite Hegseth having no qualifications for the job, despite him being a public drunk, despite him making a woman who accused him of assault sign an NDA, despite so many things.  She could have stood up for the military, for the Constitution, for women.  But she elected not to stand up and instead acted like a coward.  That needs to be remembered.  Can we start a go-fund-me to help provide Joni with a spine?

Staying with the questionable Secretary of  Defense, Matthew Chapman (RAW STORY) notes how the Senate failed their job with regards to Hegseth:

A national security expert tore into a Republican senator for his apparent failure to exercise due diligence in vetting Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth's finances during his confirmation hearing.

On Monday, Hegseth announced on the X social media platform that the IRS opened an audit into his tax returns, claiming that he owes more than $33,000.

This followed shortly after Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), chair of the Senate Armed Service Committee and a strong proponent of military aid to Ukraine, admitted he was "disturbed" by Hegseth's comments in Brussels. Hegseth appeared to back off commitments to the United States supporting Ukraine's pre-2014 borders or eventual accession to the NATO alliance — both of which would represent big geopolitical victories for Russia.
Wicker went so far as to call Hegseth's speech a "rookie mistake."

The new tax revelations, [Marcy] Wheeler argued, only reflect worse on Wicker's decision to shuttle Hegseth through to confirmation. At the time, Hegseth also faced separate allegations of sexual assault and chronic problem drinking.

Joni and the others didn't do their job.  He's not only a drunk -- promising he will not drink while he holds office -- he's also a tax cheat and that makes him vulnerable.  Jennifer Bowers Bahney (RAW STORY) adds: reporter Konstantin Toropin questioned the wisdom of Hegseth posting the notice on social media.
Toropin wrote, "The Secretary of Defense appears to have posted a document that shows he owes more than $33,000 in taxes following an audit. Aside from his calls to defy the IRS, this raises a myriad of questions from the quality of the vetting that was done to his vulnerability to bribes."

As the sheen comes off Donald Chump and the country slowly awakens to the nightmare reality he's delivered, we should all remember how Republicans in the US Senate failed to do their jobs because they refused to serve the American people, they were too busy prostrating themselves before Chump and, as a result, a huge number of unqualified people got confirmed.  They have much to answer for right now.  Should an attack take place in this country, they will have even more to answer for.  As will Chump for nominating such a huge pool of unqualified losers. 

As the Department of Government Efficiency continues to make swift cuts to the federal workforce and government spending, a handful of Republicans have begun to push back.

Again, the sheen is coming off.  Donald Chump no longer has the new car smell. 

Meanwhile, the man who moved his ass crack hair to his scalp to cover his male pattern baldness, Alien Musk, is screeching in that strident manner he has that 60 MINUTES belongs in prison.  In prison!  Brian Stelter (CNN) explains:

Here's Medhi Hasan addressing the issue.

We'll wind down with this from Senator Elizabeth Warren's office:

32 Democratic Senators Demand Trump Reject GOP Budget Proposals

“Republican budget plans do not focus on lowering costs, and in fact will raise costs for American families by forcing them to pay more for groceries, health care, education, and caregiving.”

Text of Letter (PDF)

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), along with Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on the Budget Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Finance Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), led Democratic senators in writing to President Donald Trump, demanding that he reject Congressional Republicans’ legislative plans to increase the cost of living for Americans after pledging to lower costs on “Day One” of his presidency. In total, 32 senators—over two-thirds of the Democratic caucus—signed the letter.

Last week, Congressional Republicans approved their 2025 budget proposals for floor consideration, their blueprints for a large legislative package that they hope to pass in the coming months.

“But the Republican budget plans do not focus on lowering costs, and in fact will raise costs for American families by forcing them to pay more for groceries, health care, education, and caregiving,” wrote the senators.

The senators explained that the Republicans’ budget plans will:

  • Raise food costs: The Republican budget plans tee up extensive cuts to the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) and Meals on Wheels.  
  • Raise health care costs: The Republican budget plans also pave the way for 15 Republican proposals to cut Medicare, Medicaid, and Affordable Care Act coverage. These Republican cuts would raise health care costs for over 160 million Americans.
  • Raise education costs: The Republican budget plans set them up to pass cuts to programs that help families afford college, including Pell Grants and income-driven repayment plans, and tax scholarships for hard-working students. 
  • Raise caregiving costs: The Republican budget plans pave the way to cutting programs that help families care for kids, people with disabilities, and aging loved ones. Cuts to these essential programs will make it impossible for many working families to live and work with dignity. 

“If Congressional Republicans are successful at passing their proposals, it will mean that families will pay more for food, healthcare, education, and caregiving – while Republicans plot more tax cuts for billionaires,” concluded the senators. “We urge you to stand by the promises you made to the American people about lowering costs, including by committing not to sign any legislation that raises their costs.”

The letter is also signed by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Gary Peters (D-Mich.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.), Mark Kelly (D-Az.), Peter Welch (D-Maine), Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Ruben Gallego (D-Az.), Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.), Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Angela Alsobrooks (D-Md.), and Andy Kim (D-N.J).


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