I was supposed to do a book review last weekend. I didn't. I was tired and still am actually.
But "RJ" Wagner is an 'author' who writes a lot of fiction. I read his PIECES OF MY HEART: A LIFE which reads like PIECES OF MY HEART: A LIE. This one produced non-stop laughter. In fact, I haven't laughed so hard since I read Ellen DeGeneres' MY POINT . . . AND I DO HAVE ONE. But, of course, Ellen meant to be funny. (The Iditarod piece maybe be one of the best examples of humor writing in the 1990s.)
Robert Wagner is a wooden actor -- see him in HART TO HART, IT TAKES A THIEF, HARPER, TWO AND A HALF MEN -- really, his entire output.
Wait, not true, he was very convincing in A KISS BEFORE DYING -- it was his best performance. He played a man who murdered his wife-to-be. He didn't drown her. He just pushed her to her death off a the roof of a tall building. Again, he did not push her in the ocean the way many believe he pushed Natalie Wood into the water.
It's hilarious, for example, to read of his affair with lesbian Barbara Stanwyck.
Mind you, he doesn't just claim that they slept together -- that just produces a mild chuckle. No, he claims they had an affair. Are you laughing? Get ready to bust your gut: He claims they had a four year love affair.
But we never heard about it until this book, right?
Right, RJ. That's for Robert Junior. He grew up with Daddy issues.
That does explain why he and Natalie broke up. She walks into her bedroom that night when he thought she'd be at the studio and caught him in bed with that older man.
He didn't like that the truth got out. Natalie told a lifelong friend who went on the record, she told her mother who told Natalie's sister Lana who is also on the record and there some letters and the autobiography she wrote as part of her therapy and much more proof.
RJ is either gay or bisexual. I'm hoping gay because that would mean Jill St John is knowingly bearding for a gay man and I could picture War Criminal Henry Kissinger as a closet case.
RJ is so confused when Noel Coward touches his leg at a party. Fortunately for delicate RJ, Clifton Webb doesn't put the gayness "in my face" around RJ.
RJ put with Henry Wilson. All the men Wilson represented put out. He didn't represent you unless you did.
Maybe Junior should have called it: MY LIFE IN CLOSETS: A LIFE WITH WARDROBE?
The book produces one giggle after another -- none intended by the stiff and sad actor.
Going out with C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Friday, November 8, 2024. As the election gets analyzed, are we not
supposed to notice that Black women aren't getting a seat at the table?
A lot of opinions flying around. A lot of nonsense going down.
I was in high school, there was a boy a class ahead of me. Seemed nice
enough. But then people began picking on him because he was gay. And
he was gay. Not someone who reads gay but isn't. Not a Jon Cryer
mistaken for gay but actually gay. And his daily life suddenly became
miserable. And if you looked at what was going on, it was obvious -- or
it was obvious to me -- that a guy named David, a quarterback, had
started and was leading the attack on Charles. And if you paid
attention, it should have been obvious that David might not read gay
because he didn't fit someone's stereotype but he was gay and had been
screwing around with Charles. Fear or whatever drew him deeper into the
clost and he now attacked Charles constantly.
I went to David and told him it needed to stop. And to stop now.
He justified picking on Charles as just having fun -- it wasn't fun for Charles.
I told him I knew they'd been having sex and that he could end the abuse of Charles or I could end him.
He didn't think he could be taken down -- call him Trump-like in his stupidity.
But it only took a week and half and I destroyed him.
And I'd do it again.
I have said repeatedly here than I am not a nice person.
didn't destroy him by outing him. I destroyed him by destroying
everything he thought he had -- standing, sex appeal, wealth, go down
the list.
And he tried to kill himself-- well
he staged a drama I don't think you inject some medicine for cows into
yourself if you're really determined to kill yourself.
I didn't -- and don't -- feel bad.
his attempt to garner sympathy only made him a bigger joke -- and led
to others mocking him in the halls with "MOO!" whenever they'd see him.
He was supposed to be all that. Good looking. Sone of a banker blah blah blah.
And he didn't realize that he wasn't untouchable.
Now I bring that up to note, obviously, that Trump's not untouchable and it can be an interesting four years.
I also bring it up because that's really the first political cause for
me. One that required leaving my own bubble and seeing others in need
that didn't look like me or weren't like me in some way. Our only bond
was that he was hurting and I felt for him.
If you want to count the work I do for autism, that predates that but I had a member of the family who was autistic.
Before Charles, I never knew anyone who was gay. Never even thought about it.
seeing this nice kid crying every day as he couldn't get down the hall
without facing the mockery David had created -- to hide his own
sexuality -- that was probably my adult realization of a number of
I have a good life today because I have had an enthusiastic following and a good number of those are gay men.
I say all of that to explain that I'm not walking out on them. I'm not silencing myself while they get attacked.
Right now, a large number of us are figuring out where we stand going forward.
The LGBTQ+ community has my support and I will loudly defend them.
Some of you are probably going to be on your own -- because you brought
it on yourselves. If some beggar media type gets tossed in jail, I
don't know that I care. If you trashed Kamala, I don't know that I care
about you.
But that's what I'm going to be figuring out. For me.
And that's what the rest of us are going to have to figure out.
posted Chris Hayes' video last night or this morning. I like Chris. I
don't have a problem with what he said. And I get that people want to
feel hopeful.
But I also get "For me."
I can be decided for me. And others can and should decide for themselves.
But MSNBC really isn't recognizing that. Chris would be a great person to do some roundtables with Black women.
Tabitha does a new video (TABITHA SPEAKS), I'm right there. And I love
what she says. And she'll figure out for herself what she wants to do
going forward. She doesn't need a White man telling her what to do. To
be clear, that's not a reference to Chris Hayes -- whose biggest
'crime' would be trying to give us all hope. And that's why I would
argue Chris could do these needed roundtable.
don't want to talk about Howard Dean -- we hate each other and he tried
to throw me under the bus in the first Barack Obama administration. So
let's not really focus on his garbage other than to note that in 2008
he stood back while sexism was targeted non-stop at Hillary Clinton.
And he was the DNC chair. So right there, grasp that no one needs to
hear Howard The Scream Dean.
But there are a
number of others that we could talk about. They're making idiotic and
stupid analysis and trying to impose it on us.
Let's deal wit the Jill Stein freaks.
offer the poplar vote that Jill got nationwide and insist that it
wouldn't have made a difference to Kamala. But we don't elect by the
popular vote. Our president depends upon who won the electoral
college. They also want to lie that Jill didn't steal any votes from
Despite the many lies Jill told, she
always knew that she wasn't going to win. Even she isn't stupid enough
to think she would have won.
Her role was not to garner votes and I'll try to come back to a sub-set there but I want to make this point very clear.
got support from Donald Trump and his MAGA attorneys because she was
supposed to suppress turnout. No one thought she'd garner votes.
But what she could do was suppress votes.
And that's what she did.
She attacked Kamala from the left. She ripped into her daily.
and Beggar Media did everything to attack Kamala. (Beggar media, if
THESE TIMES, etc. Useless liars who turn their tricks without ever
satisfying a customer which is why they get the cash upfront. Gaza
Freaks refers not to people defending Palestinians nor to the
Palestinians themselves. It refers to the useless idiots who do nothing
to actually help the people of Gaza or to end a genocide. If you
wanted to end a genocide, you wouldn't have worked so hard to elect
Donald Trump.)
Let's do a quick walk through. Will use racist Amy Goodman's DEMOCRACY NOW!
the sake of this argument, we can make you a man or a woman but we
can't make you a Black woman because Black women didn't fall for it.
People in every other grouping did.
you're Zac and you're 21 and in college and you tuned it to DEMOCRACY
NOW! maybe once a week, maybe five days a week. And you don't know
Goody Whore's history of how she subverted past elections and how she
lied and you don't know all the stunts she's pulled before -- including
getting rich by bankrupting PACIFICA RADIO thanks to closet case Leslie
Cagan (I believe Leslie's out as a lesbian, I'm referring to her being a
Communist yet, at a PACIFICA board meeting refusing to admit that --
this was a PACIFICA board meeting -- not a McCarthy hearing). You think
she's smart and caring.
So already, you're an idiot.
you're watching her show and, from August 1st until October 30th, all
you hear is guests and Amy telling you how bad Kamala is. They usually
talk up Jill Stein during this and, of course, Amy did that awful soft
ball lying interview with Jill.
That was Jill's purpose and role in the 2024 election.
be held up as something wonderful -- she's not, her own sons didn't
vote for her and didn't want her to run -- as opposed to the awful
That was to depress turnout -- intentionally.
it was intentional on the part of Beggar Media from the start but they
really dug in as it went along and Ava and I may cover that at THIRD.
Zac wants to do the right thing, he wants to be a social justice
warrior and make the world better. He knows he's not voting for Trump.
He'd thought about voting for Kamala.
But day after day, DEMOCRACY NOW! (and THE PROGRESSIVE and IN THESE TIMES and THE NATION) are telling him how awful Kamala is?
Well he can't vote for that.
this impacted Rosa. She's got an office job that requires she work
nine to five. She's got three kids she's raising as a single mother --
so forget PTO. That's gone just on her kids' doctors visits and
illnesses. Vote before work -- during early voting or regular voting?
She has to drop the kids off. After work? She's got to get to day care
or risk paying a penalty for each minute after six o'clock that she's
Rosa really wants to keep Trump out of
the White House. But the radio programs and the online sites of various
pathetic magazines tell her over and over that Kamala's awful.
So you really think Rosa is going to out of her way to try to vote?
was Jill Stein's role. And that's why these outlets never offered you
the truth about Jill. How she makes money every time a bomb drops on
Gaza -- due to her stock portfolio. How she's never accomplished
anything. How she is selective in her public outrage over what Arab is
being bombed. Her defense of Putin and other War Criminals.
give her a pass on that and pretend like she's smart -- smart people
don't lose every race for office they run for. They pretend like she
cares -- people who care don't raise over six million dollars for a 2016
recount only to not spend it on that. They don't then say that they'll
be donating the millions unused to a charity and then, years later, are
still unable to tell you where that money went.
She's a whore and she's a grifter.
she was protected by Amy Goodman and others because her role was never
to win or even to win some votes. She was supposed to be the saint to
Kamala's whore because dualities is all most Americans have been trained
to handle -- the either/or.
Naomi Wolf is a
joke. But it's a real shame she couldn't have waited a few more years
to become a joke. Unlike non-feminist Naomi Klein, Naomi Wolf -- were
her brain functioning -- could have done a blistering take down of the
tropes used throughout as the left -- Beggar Media -- worked to destroy
Kamala. Naomi Klein is a politically active woman. Too many people
mistake that for feminism. It is not feminism and Naomi may have held a
laughable chair but she never did anything for feminism. And, in fact,
there are interviews she hopes no one ever sees or remembers from before
she became a brand where she was knocking feminism and feminists in
that post-90s manner.
That was Jill's role, to destroy enthusiasm for Kamala's campaign in order to depress turnout.
And that's why you saw the never ending efforts to kill joy over Kamala's run.
Tabitha has spoken about the attempts to kill joy over and over on her YOUTUBE program.
won't see her on DEMOCRACY NOW! or platformed elsewhere because no one
wants to acknowledge the effort to kill Kamala's campaign on the part of
the left.
But we can't move forward without an honest discussion of what went down.
And that's why Black women need to be front and center right now.
Everyone else fell for the propaganda to one degree or another.
If you're Anglo White or Anglo Latina and you didn't, great job. But you were few and far between.
Black women didn't fall for it.
Black women are also a huge constituency for the Democratic Party.
is why is is so laughable and horrifying to watch these White men like
James Carville and Howard Dean and others go around with their stupidity
thinking we need to hear from them.
Carville. "It's the economy, stupid." Famous for that as he backed
Bill Clinton with the neoliberal campaign that was nothing more than a
War On The Poor.
So James is back and saying
this was an economy election. And it was to a large degree. He then
wants to lie and attack various groups -- the Identity Politics rant
that Roland Martin and others have rightly called out.
did you do, James? I know what I did. I realized that the economy was
going to be a loser for the Democrats and advocated at the start of
2023 for some form of stimulus. And I was laughed at and had my head
patted by various figures in the DNC party structure.
economy is better. Joe Biden deserves credit for saving the economy
(that's not the only thing he deserves credit for). But people weren't
feeling it.
A number were remembering that
trifle of a stimulus check they got under Trump. Nancy Pelosi is still
whining about Trump's signature on it.
And that
has no bearing on anything. She destroyed her own reputation on that
issue. There was no stimulus for those we called "heroes" during the
pandemic. Her House couldn't deliver.
And the prevailing opinion was that Trump wanted to do a second stimulus and Nancy opposed it.
you didn't do s**t on any of that and it got back to me that you were
mocking me for suggesting this tiny stimulus check.
A check would have been appreciated. A check could have made an impact on American's lives.
But James thought it was nonsense as did other fools.
don't come to me now and whine about the economy stupid when, STUPID,
you were among those who did nothing to mitigate the issue.
Perceptions are not changed overnight. That's why you need to be smart in your demands at any time.
I didn't write here about it because I didn't want to give ammunition to the GOP.
Dems seemed to think that they could educate people on the economy.
You can't educate someone with statements that are contrary to what they experienced.
Yes, Joe saved the economy and those of us who know about the economy realize that.
Most people don't know economics.
And so James' nonsense this week is bulls**t and he just needs to honestly die. Die and take his lies with him.
He's outlived his purpose and he is no use.
like him are also trying to blame trans people for the election. I
think we addressed Allred's nonsense in yesterday's snapshot.
LGBTQ NATION has a good article and maybe I'll try to write about it Saturday.
notice no links here, we are suffering. And I've told everyone in the
community -- whether they're writing for one of our newsletters or at
their own site -- take time for you.
We need to heal.
And so it's not really me throwing all my time away right now. It's me trying to heal.
And that's what so many of us are trying to do right now.
ignored us during the general election and you ignore us now. If you
continue to do so, you're going to have a huge problem because we are
the base -- the real base -- the ones who show up election after
And we're busy. We're all Rosa. We
all have eight million other things that have to be done -- HAVE TO BE
DONE -- every day. But we get out and vote every time.
And our thanks for that? You destroy the first Black woman to run for president on a major party.
And you want to act like it didn't happen, you want to gaslight us.
I'm here to speak for me and the community. And we'll chart our way forward as best we can based on what we're able to do.
that's true for others. Tabitha, Olay, Danielle, so many others. They
need to heal and they need to know where they stand in this party and
how this party, in 2024, could do what they did to Kamala.
Some of your causes really aren't that important to us.
nonsense of an official, for example. That's something you worry about
after you elect Kamala. You say, hey, we support ____ and want her to
Instead, you nut jobs came up daily
with one reason after another not to vote for Kamala, one reason or
another to attack her in public.
You didn't
want to address her housing plan, you didn't want to address her
Medicare plan and a number of you White bitches wrote articles attacking
her over Black women's health issues.
She had never spoken of it!
She had never done this or that!
White bitches, heel.
All you did was yet again sport your racism.
had the interview with Kamala addressing that topic. But you're too
White to read ESSENCE and that didn't surprise me which is why we
reproduced that part of the interview in a snapshot here.
hey, in all your Whiteness why should you be required to actually do
some work before you penned your columns claiming she never addressed a
topic that she had just spoken to ESSENCE about.
You live in a really White world. And that's how you ignore reality.
you're doing it again with all these White idiots -- include Bernie
Sanders on that list, Roland is right -- who keep having conversations
with everyone but Black women.
Black don't crack. We've all heard that. Let me expand on it: Black don't crack cameras either.
what's your excuse for still denying Black women a seat at the table
while pretending to explore what went wrong in this election?
are outlets that deserve praise and we've linked to them throughout the
last months. MOTHER JONES gets a B. They played into some of the
nonsense but not all of it. Higher grades would go to THE NEW REPUBLIC
and RAW STORY. And my apologies to AMERICAN PROSPECT. I didn't know
they were still around. Someone with TAP contacted me when I was first
calling out THE NATION -- called me, we're friends -- and that's when I
found out TAP was still around. After that we did highlight them. My
apologies that we didn't highlight them more. I would also give COMMON
DREAMS an A. They started out running with the pack. They were the
only ones we called out who actually course corrected. I don't expect
perfection, I do expect fairness. So praise for COMMON DREAMS.
Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "MAGA Confused." and "Manly Barron" went up last night. The following sites updated:
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