Monday, November 25, 2024

Weekend box office and the sexism in movie coverge

Via THENUMBERS.COM, here's the weekend box office:

1 N Wicked Universal $112,508,890   3,888   $28,937 $112,508,890 1
2 N Gladiator II Paramount Pi… $55,034,715   3,573   $15,403 $55,034,715 1
3 (1) Red One Amazon MGM S… $13,219,306 -59% 4,032 n/c $3,279 $52,844,253 2
4 N Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin Angel Studios $5,047,975   1,900   $2,657 $5,047,975 1
5 (2) Venom: The Last Dance Sony Pictures $3,875,603 -47% 2,558 -863 $1,515 $133,701,079 5
6 (3) The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Lionsgate $3,429,313 -35% 2,279 -741 $1,505 $25,445,135 3
7 (4) Heretic A24 $2,233,199 -55% 1,622 -1,608 $1,377 $24,766,852 3
8 (5) The Wild Robot Universal $2,101,625 -50% 2,110 -784 $996 $140,829,045 9
9 (7) Conclave Focus Features $1,136,250 -60% 1,013 -1,364 $1,122 $29,000,305 5
10 (6) Smile 2 Paramount Pi… $1,111,266 -62% 952 -1,510 $1,167 $67,760,276 6

So the big change?  There are three films in the top ten who have made $100 million or more?

VENOM: LAST DANCE and THE WILD ROBOT are now joined by WICKED.  WICKED is a hit.  $114 million in its first weekend.  

WICKED won the weekend and was followed by the disappointing GLADIATOR II and the bomb that RED ONE is quickly becoming.  It's probably time to cut Dwayne Johnson's salary.  Too many disappointments -- and I made that comment before.  But I'm making it again because he's actually pocketing $50 million for this film before a ticket was sold.  In week two, where the lousy film fell to number 3, it passed $52 million.  In other words, in North America, it's only made two million dollars more than they paid Johnson and that's not even profit because the film had other expenses besides Johnson.  Right now it doesn't appear it will cross the $100 mark in North America.

This week's big release is probably going to be MOANA 2.  THE TALE OF PRINCESS KAGUYA might be big -- Uncle Stan heard all about that film this weekend -- and we all loved WICKED.  It really is the film to see right now.

"GLADIATOR II" is not a great film and it's not a hit.  I bring that up for a reason. 

Need an example of sexism?  CNN:

“Wicked” and “Gladiator II” — which some have called “Glicked” following the success of the 2023 summer blockbusters “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” — combined to gross an estimated $169.5 million in their domestic debut. “Wicked” is expected to rake in $114 million, while “Gladiator II” will pull in $55.5 million.

BARBIE and that garbage OPPENHEIMER were not the same.  BARBIE was the bigger film.  In fact, BARBIE was the biggest film -- the number one box office hit in North America for the year.  OPPENHEIMER was the fifth biggest.  I'm getting damn tired of these weaker and smaller films like OPPENHEIMER and GLADIATOR II leap frogging on the success of films like BARBIE and WICKED.

Please note when a film primarily geared for women is a success, the media feels the need to attach a minor and mediocre film for men to it.  

GLADIATOR II will be lucky to reach $70 million in the US before it falls out of the top ten.  WICKED made $114 million opening weekend.  They are not equivalent nor was OPPENHEIMRE -- a pro-war film despite pretense to the contrary -- equal to BARBIE.  But linking them made it seem so and helped everyone ignore the fact that the number one of its year didn't get the Academy Award recognition it earned.  Instead the bad and awful film -- a Stanley Kramer mess of supposed good intentions and intelligence -- was overly recognized by the Academy.  14 for the piece of crap film and 7 for BARBIE -- with Margot Robbie not being nominated. 

There is no "GLICKED" -- the claim alone is sexist.  But making it worse?  "GL" comes before "ICKED" when it is WICKED that has left the awful GLADIATOR II in the dust.

Going out with C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

Monday, November 11, 2024.  Will the ones responsible ever take accountability?  We probably have a better chance of them actually listening to Black women before that happens.  Meanwhile another platform appears to be having its own MORNING JOE problem -- in other words, No, Virginia, there's no such thing as a cuddly, nice MAGA.

Donald Trump's transition has failed to sign ethics agreements, which in turn has reportedly allowed the team to run on "secret money," and the president-elect's critics are outraged. 

Trump has been quick to announce his Cabinet nominations over the last two weeks, but he has been slow to reveal the "names of the donors who are funding his transition effort," according to a Sunday New York Times report. This is part of Trump's failure to adhere to ethics norms, which has also reportedly led to his team being left in the dark on key issues.

This news caused some outrage among observers on social media. 

[. . .]

Political science scholar Tim Hogan called the development "more evidence that John Roberts and his fascist SCOTUS majority likely destroyed America and started the beginning of the end of our fragile Democracy."

Satan's a crook.  If you're surprised, you were stupid.  

What these arguments all miss, however, is an essential element of Trump’s triumph—the simple and sad truth that hate sells. Ever since he descended the golden escalator at Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan in July 2015 to declare his candidacy for President, Trump has preached an unrelenting gospel of hate, scapegoating immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community, minorities, political opponents, journalists, academics, and scientific experts as the cause of our alleged national decline. He has flagged them as “the enemy from within” as a target that must be removed or neutralized.

It’s still tempting to think of Trump and the movement he leads as an aberration that will run its course over the next four years. But nothing could be further from the truth. Despots and dictators all over the world use hate as a psychological tool. Trump is simply the newest member of the club.  

And Nikki Marín Baena wants you to know -- now wants you to know:

All indications are that President-elect Donald Trump has every intention of following through on his promise to ramp up deportations, suspend due process, and restrict legal status for millions of people living in the United States. These include the children of immigrants, survivors of domestic violence, and skilled foreign-born tech workers. He and his newly anointed deputy chief of staff for policy, Stephen Miller, claim this will ultimately help the average American worker. 

The truth is that mass deportations are bad for the economy and would be devastating for our communities. 

Already, homebuilders are warning about the economic consequences of mass deportations, as they will rob the industry of essential skilled workers. Restaurants will lose long-tenured staff. Textile and furniture factories in my home state of North Carolina like the ones my parents worked at will have to pause or shut down. Local governments will start to buckle after suffering steep drops in revenue from sales and property taxes. 

The result will be an economic shock comparable to that of the pandemic—only this time, it will be entirely self-inflicted. This isn’t hyperbolic or speculative. Past immigration raids, many of which occurred during the last Trump Administration, caused chaos in Mississippi, Ohio, and Texas. After a single large immigration raid in Postville, Iowa resulted in the arrests of 389 of its 2,000 residents, the town fell into an economic down spiral. 

As I read through that and other nonsense -- it is nonsense, it wouldn't been ahead of November, I'm just not in the damn mood.

THE PROGRESSIVE failed to publish one article during the three months of Kamala Harris' campaign supporting her.  I'm not talking about their crap ass magazine that no one reads anymore.  I'm talking about their poorly visited website which had article after article but none praising Kamala.  Tim Walz is White so they were more than comfortable to praise him in an article.

I'm not in the mood for you people who think you can sneak back in.

Racism and sexism on the left is why we have another Trump presidency.

THE PROGRESSIVE, THE NATION, IN THESE TIMES and DEMOCRACY NOW! were among those who worked for Trump.

For pay?

No.  The whores were so racist and sexist that they worked for free.

They'd rathre have Donald in the White House than a Black woman.

COMMON DREAMS attacked her through the middle of October.  And you look at those articles and what you see -- especially if you're old enough to have lived through past election cycles -- are articles telling the 'dumb' Harris what she needs to do.

She's Black and she's a woman. 

And that was just too much for some lefties.

In terms of volume, John Kerry didn't get that sort of advice in 2004.  Barack didn't get that advice in 2008.  Barack didn't get that advice in 2012.  Hillary Clinton didn't get that advice in 2016 and Joe Biden certainly didn't in 2020.

But when Black and woman joined, a significant number of left and 'left' writers, pundits and hosts weren't having it.  Now if the wife at NEWSWEEK hadn't stepped in back in 2008, would Barack have survived the primaries.  No, probably not.  

No one stepped in for Kamala.

No one stepped in and said she was being attacked by the left, no one called it out.

So don't litter my lawn with garbage and trash.


The first thing someone at the outlet should have said?  

"Shut up, White man."

"Mom Gives WARNING how she Lost her sons to MAGA" is the title of the video.  

Where are the Black women at MEIDASTOUCH?  It's a relatively new outlet, one created this century.  Where are the Black women?  

I shouldn't have to ask that question.  A left outlet that's a decade or so old and we have no Black female host doing segments -- not even one.  We also don't have any Black female guests.

But they made time for this crap ass video.  

Terry Roth, a White woman, is distraught that her sons (plural) voted for Trump and support him and are vile sexists and don't think women should work and blah blah blah.

She sobs and she cries and she misses them.


I am not in the damn mood.  

She should have been confronting her sons for their racism and for their sexism.

It is now the sole responsibility of Black people to call out racism?

They're your sons, you raised them.

You're the one that needs to hold them accountable, not us.

That's what Black women mean when we say we're taking a vacation.  We're not fixing your problems for you.  We've done that far too long.

You raised sexist and racists kids. 

That's on you.

The White women trying to get a pass right now that are pissing off Black women refuse to listen.  Then again, that just makes them like the bulk of left media as well as corporate media because we were ignored all through the campaign as well.

Your sons?  You're the one who should have been holding them accountable?  They changed?  I listened to that garbage interview and, White mama, sounds like you enabled the change.  It did happen overnight.  And you saw the signs and ignored them.  You did nothing after 2020 to correct their behavior because you obviously did nothing.

But now you want to cry and virtue signal on the internet about how 'tolerant' and 'loving' you are.

Your none of those things.

You're a lousy mother who raised and encouraged two racists and sexists.

That's on you.

What makes the segment even wore though?

Rich Logis.

He's the MTN host of the segment.  And he wants you to know that these aren't bad people, MAGA.  They're good people.

Really?  The ones sending threatening texts to Blacks and Latinos in Denton, Texas?  Those are the good ones.

I don't get why the White people least impacted by Trump are the ones who keep get to keeping laying down what is right and what is wrong?

I don't get where they think they have that power, that they can command us to say MAGA aren't bad people.

Yes, they are.  

It's mighty White of you, Rich Logis, to claim they're not and to do so at a time when many non-White people in this country are dealing with a betrayal.

You don't want to listen.

You don't want to learn.

You think you can tell us how things are just because you're White.

You have not bothered to speak to us, you have not bothered to reach out to us because you don't feel you have to.  As a White man -- and former MAGA yourself -- you think you have all the answers.

You're as big a liar as Joe Scarborough.  There's no point in any of this.

I don't care about your fuzzy memories from CAMP MAGA.  

Nor am I in the mood to pretend that MAGA is just full of pixie dust and wonder.

Did media fail them?  Probably so.  

So call out media.

But don't make excuses for MAGA.

Unless, like MORNING JOE, you're trying to run off your audience.

In her videos, like the one above, Belinda Strnad does a great job of rounding up opinions and addressing them.  That requires listening.  It's a gift others need to work towards.  Especially White people on the left and 'left.'

States continue to count votes in the 2024 presidential election.  With very little still to count, Kamala Harris has 48.4% of the popular vote with Donald Trump grabbing 50% of the vote.   That's the official AP count right now.

This was not a landslide election nor does Satan have a mandate.  We're going to carry this into the snapshot tomorrow.  It's very important and due to media lies and personal desires of some Democrats, the above is not registering.

Kamala Harris ran a presidential campaign in August, September and October -- plus four days in November.

She did that and got over 48% of the vote.  

She was up against huge odds and she got over 48% of the vote.

Remember that the next time an old racist like Bernie Sanders uses the results to dust off his long ago speeches -- words he never put into play because his whole life has been yammering and not doing.

Remember that when Patrick Murphy and others use sexism to attack women.  

When we're forever being told to abandon this or that right.

Remember it.

Kamala hade to go up against a so-called left media -- DEMOCRACY NOW!, IN THESE TIMES, THE PROGRESSIVE and THE NATION -- that attacked her every day.

Why did they attack her?  Racism and sexism.  Hillary Clinton was a nominee before.  You didn't see COMMON DREAMS and others offering multiple pieces daily on what Hillary should be doing.

Hillary was a woman but she was a White woman.  It was only when presented with a Black woman that the 'left' outlets felt they were dealing with an idiot and felt they could bully her around and do so on a daily basis.  

Anytime she attempted to meet this group of freaks?  It would result in rounds of columns and YOUTUBE segments about how "That's not enough!"

She couldn't win with these people because they're not going to have a Black woman boss, they're not going to listen to a Black woman.

You'd think that in the aftermath, left sites would be all over this topic.  If this had happened on the right, they would be all over it.  But despite their incredible vanity and their obsession with self, they don't care for self-exploration when it means they're the ones being called out.

Much easier to pretend just didn't happen?  

You can go back to the start of this century and see that is not how they operated in previous election cycles.  

In spite of that, she delivered over 48% of the popular vote.

Certain Arabs and Muslims in Michigan took their direction from Michael Flynn and Russian propaganda.  They destroyed the turnout for Kamala in Michigan.

And she still got over 48% of the popular vote.

From Senator Ron Wyden's office:

U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., issued the following statement on Donald Trump picking Chris Wright to be nominated for Department of Energy secretary and Doug Burgum to be nominated for Department of Interior secretary.

“It’s sadly not the least bit surprising that Trump’s picks to do his bidding at the Department of Energy and the Department of the Interior have long track records cheerleading for Big Oil, corporate America, and the ultra-wealthy gas executives plotting to fill their already over-stuffed pocketbooks,” Wyden said. “These nominees were selected with the goal of taking our country back in time and rolling back climate progress. American workers and families will pay a steep price as Trump's agenda destroys jobs and shuts down renewable energy projects all over the country that Americans overwhelmingly support.

“But make no mistake: as a senior member of the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, I will watchdog the Trump administration’s every move. Oregonians voted for elected officials who will stand up to Trump’s climate denying policies and keep fighting to protect our state’s beloved public lands from being pillaged for profit. That’s exactly what I’ll do–all while keeping a spotlight on the urgent need for climate action so all Oregonians have a bright and better future.” 


The following sites updated:

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