Monday, April 17, 2017


My apologies because I was really stupid.

At THIRD, we did a TV roundtable and we talked about Emmys (it will be up either tonight or tomorrow morning).

We noted people who deserved Emmys for their work this year.

I'm watching SHADES OF BLUE.

Jennifer Lopez was rightly noted in the roundtable.

But how could I forget to shout out to Ray Liotta and to Margaret Colin.

They both add so much to the show. 

Colin deserves a nomination for best supporting actress.

Ray, as Wazz, deserves a nomination for Best Actor.

They really are great.

Jennifer Lopez is as well.  And, like I said, she got remembered.

But I was embarrassed by the fact that I forgot Ray and Colin.

They deserve better -- from me and from others.

Ray is one of the all time greats.  With each year, GOODFELLAS becomes even more of a classic, yes, but it also becomes even more of an achievement for Ray because he didn't have the flashy Pesci role but his is the performance that holds the whole film together.

And Colin?  My great aunt would kick me in the butt.  Mention Margaret Colin and she'll give you The Margaret Colin History.  She played Margo on AS THE WORLD TURNS (CBS soap opera) and the actress who played Wednesday on THE ADAMS FAMILY TV show played her sister Cricket.  Margo was involved with Tom and the two actors got married in real life ("and are still together") and Margo and Tom were always fighting and when Tom fired her she insisted she was going to quit but he got the words out before she did . . .

I mean, I know everything Margaret Colin has acted in because of my great aunt.  AS THE WORLD TURNS was her "story" and she still doesn't forgive CBS for cancelling it. 

But Margo and Tom were her favorites.  Even more so than the character who played Margo's father (John was the character's name).

So I should have remembered them in the discussion. 

They are two amazing actors.

Going out with C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

Monday, April 17, 2017.

Let's start with this.

Remember when the small group of dissenting media voices who challenged the Iraq War were proven right & then promoted? Yeah, neither do I.


Were Jackie Collins still alive, she could write THE WORLD IS FULL OF FAT F**KS aka HOW UGLY MEN WITH UGLY IDEAS GET REWARDED.

It would revolve around human trash like Matthew Yglesias and Kevin Drum who supported the Iraq War and get rewarded for it while all the writers who stood against it are punished.

This has nothing to do with me.  Yes, I spoke out against the Iraq War beginning in Feb. of 2003 but I did not write about it.  Nor do I need to make a living from writing.  Other people are less fortunate and they told the truth but MOTHER JONES and other publications did not come knocking.

And Matthew's human filth who was sired by human filth.  A lousy father who 'writes' screenplays by using the work of others and attacks Woody Allen over the claims of Dylan Farrow while justifying his own work with Roman Polanski.  There is no dispute that Roman drugged and raped a 13-year-old girl.  Working with rapists qualifies as a Yglesias family trait.

It's not just the corporate media that refused to hold people accountable, it's the so-called alternative media as well.  MOTHER JONES can find room in its pages for any number of questionable men -- yet we're all supposed to see it as a 'win' that two bimbos run (ruin?) the magazine.

Regarding the lack of accountability, last night, I noted the reality that, all this time later, Watergate remains a mystery.

This led some to insist otherwise.

Well what do you know, CBS NEWS' live coverage of Nixon announcing he was stepping down has held.

Of course, anyone alive then or who's researched the period would be well aware that CBS refused to explore -- during that live coverage -- why Nixon was stepping down, they were too busy lauding him as a savior who did what was right for the nation.

Roger Mudd, among others at CBS, didn't feel that was the way to go.

And people wrongly believe that mysteries were solved.

No, they weren't.

And they wrongly believe that John Dean was a truth teller.

No, he's a felon.

He's also a noted liar who could have cleared up things a long time ago but he's fallen in love with the airbrushing of history that's allowed him to pretend he's not a common thug whose actions were criminal and outrageous and who should have spent a life behind bars but his willingness to rat out others lower on the totem poll saved his own ass.

If we had accountability in this country, John Dean would be booed and hissed every time he showed his criminal face in public.

We were discussing accountability last night with regards to War Criminal Tony Blair.  New Labour Party organ THE GUARDIAN maintained:

The government’s top law officer is going to court to demand the rejection of an attempt to prosecute Tony Blair over the Iraq war, the Guardian has learned.
The planned intervention by the attorney general comes after a judge ruled the former Labour prime minister had immunity from the attempt to bring a criminal charge against him and that pursuing a prosecution could “involve details being disclosed under the Official Secrets Act”.

The private prosecution relates to the 2003 Iraq war and seeks the trial in a British court of then prime minister Tony Blair, the foreign secretary Jack Straw, and Lord Goldsmith, the attorney general at the time.


The Attorney General's spokesman added: "It is not unusual for the Attorney General to intervene in these sort of cases in order to represent the public interest."
Imran Khan, for Ribat, said his client was “baffled as to why it is that despite the Chilcot report making it very clear that the war was illegal, attempts are below made to prevent those responsible from entering a court, let alone being prosecuted for what they did”.

Tamara Cohen (SKY NEWS) explains, "The private prosecution, based on last year's Chilcot Inquiry report, is being brought by a former chief of staff of the Iraqi Army, General Abdul-Wahid Shannan ar-Ribat."

War Criminal Tony Blair.

George Michael nailed Blair in 2003.

Blair belongs behind bars.

Bid to prosecute Tony Blair over Iraq War 'to be blocked by Government' So we prosecute Soldiers but not Politicians

GOVERNMENT PROTECTS WAR CRIMINAL = Bid to prosecute Tony Blair over Iraq War 'to be blocked by Government'

Meanwhile The Mosul Slog continues.

Day 181 of The Mosul Slog and still it continues.
Link to headline article

The Iraq War goes on and on and never ends.

And it's accepted as normal now.

It's not normal.

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